More bad news for JOE Biden and liberals

you do know there is a difference between political donations and taking bribes of almost half a million inn cash several gold bars and a new Mercedies for his wife are not exactly normal campaign political contributions . Its called buying a senator with bribes different thing all to gether.
Of course legally they are but I don't see much difference taking money legally on behalf of a group representing benefits to a foreign country and illegally doing that If your definition of selling out America is taking money to favor a foreign country than republicans taking money legally from Jewish groups and favoring Israel is selling out America too duh
How is that relevant to the fact that we have for mere months where either candidate could do something good or bad oh that's right it's not relevant it's just another stupid post from you
well joes record on screwing up has followed him and now is a anchor around his neck
LOL Joe screwed up big time and you can not admit it your delusional . His policy and mind are done and so are the America people
Both candidates have screwed app and that's exactly my point ****** and both candidates have done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future So when you say there is no chance Biden can win it's just proof you're stupid idiot
God you are stupid