one could say that anyone who supported the war in Iraq did not value human life and is just like Hitler as well. or Death penatly. And She belives in stem cell Resurch
I know that she believes in stem cell research and most likely believes in abortion too.
What kind of experiments did Hitler do on Jews because he did not consider them a “person” therefore it was ok to do experiments on them.
What is the difference in targeting Jews as non persons so they can “for the sake of science” take away their life and dignity as a human beings and a person creating human beings to experiment on “for the sake of science” and then kill them or a person deciding the person living within them with their own DNA, their own heart, lungs, body exc. Is a “non person” therefore its ok to kill them because it makes your life better? Hitler thought killing the Jews would make the lives better for the Germans too.
If you can explain to me why they are different I am open to hearing it.
I know you can’t understand it but there is a difference in purposely taking an innocent life out of convenience and applying the death penalty to a murderer.
Now I personally am against the death penalty but if given the choice if killing an innocent baby who has done no one wrong and applying the death penalty to a man who raped and murdered a child. The guy is toast. But I would rather see that we put those people in jail or prison for their entire life without any chance of release but spare their life.
As for war, why do you pick the Iraq war? Why not the Afghanistan war? Why not WW1 or WW2? Do you agree with the WW’s and Afghanistan so when one kills another in combat that’s ok but you don’t agree with the Iraq war so its not ok when one kills another in combat? If a person attacks you on the street and tries to kill you are you a murderer if you fight back and kill them?
What is the difference between murder and killing?
Generally and legally speaking a murder is something that's planned and intended, Killing is when someone ends up dead more or less accidentally. Then of course soldiers at war don't murder, they kill.
You plan to kill a baby in abortion, you make an appointment with a doctor, you pay the doctor and you let him kill the baby.
With Obama’s new stem cell research, you will create human life for the purpose of killing/destroying that human life for research
In war you try to protect what ever group you are siding with, you try to take prisoners from the other side, often time’s people die.
I heard of a case where our troops purposely killed either civilians or the enemy when they did not have to, no threat of their own life was present. I think they were charged for it and are now doing time. Of course that is wrong. You do your best to capture the enemy and give them a fair trial not shoot them unarmed.
If you really can not see the difference between these examples I am sorry