Moon landing hoax?

There are plausible scenarios that would explain photos released by the government of tracks on the moon.

The photo may be bogus. It may be a real photo of tracks that were made by a robot vehicle.

That photo doesn't make the mountain of hoax evidence go away.

Explain how the government managed to keep the 800,000 people who worked on the Apollo project from "spilling the beans" on this, erm, hoax!
Explain how the government managed to keep the 800,000 people who worked on the Apollo project from "spilling the beans" on this, erm, hoax!
A lot of them were probably fooled too. The program may have been so compartmentalized that most people weren't in a position to know if the whole thing would work.
Q: What about the vast number of people involved in Apollo, wouldn’t someone have spoken out.

A: Pan’s claim there were half a million people involved in the Apollo program, but that includes all the humble engineers working on machine parts in many companies around the globe. So if someone is making a part in some engineering factory in Seattle, and his boss tells him it’s for the Apollo spacecraft, is that engineer proof the landings took place? No of course it is not proof, and even if that engineer knew they never made it to the Moon, he would still brag to his friends that he made a part that went to the Moon just to make him feel proud in some way or other. Parts for the Apollo program were made at many different factories around the globe. For example the laser reflector supposedly left on the Moon was manufactured in France. NASA collected the unit from the French company, and that was the last they saw of it. It’s probably stashed away in some archive at Langley, but one things for certain it’s not on the Moon. Are those French engineers proof they landed on the Moon? No of course not, as very few, (probably less than 200 people), were actually involved in bringing the whole lot together, so as to minimize what was actually taking place. No need for any of them to speak out because (A) They are 100% patriotic to the USA, and would say nothing that would go against America, even if it were true. (B) They do not need millions of dollars to safeguard their future, as they have already received substantial amounts from NASA just to “keep mum”. Read comments from people who worked on the Apollo program in the APOLLO FEEDBACK section.

Also, the press wouldn't have reported it if someone had come forward. Do a YouTube search on "Chomsky media"

In this video a scientist talks about how information in scientific journals is controlled.
(00:16 time mark)
That is funny.

I bet if the lib MSM pushed the silly idea that the landings were fake, most libs and independent voters would believe.

Hell they believed BO was something other than an American hating Marxist.

They can be sold anything if packaged right.

Why don't you take your retirement money and market that idea? Let me know how it turns out for you.
A lot of them were probably fooled too.

So the world's brightest minds came together to create a hoax to fool the world into believing that the we had actually landed on the moon but really didn't? And managed to keep it a secret all these years? Someone should take that kool aid away from you, son, because, damn...
So the world's brightest minds came together to create a hoax to fool the world into believing that the we had actually landed on the moon but really didn't? And managed to keep it a secret all these years? Someone should take that kool aid away from you, son, because, damn...
It's possible that the people who perpetrated the hoax weren't the worlds greatest minds. Anyway, your statement doesn't make the hoax evidence go away. Why don't you tell us what made the flag move in this video if you think it wasn't air?
It's possible that the people who perpetrated the hoax weren't the worlds greatest minds. Anyway, your statement doesn't make the hoax evidence go away. Why don't you tell us what made the flag move in this video if you think it wasn't air?

What! Why, that flag was moving! Amazing! proof of... of .... editing, and not a very good job of it at that.