We Never Went to the Moon

Response from your spam, that of course you ignored!

Any excuse to repost your spam and bypass all the hundreds of already given responses. I have notified moderators. My responses below use previous responses from all over the internet.

Nonsense. Making a really poor sky black on a single image where the person doing it has failed to include anything encroaching into the sky with black background, has no bearing on a multi framed continuous 15 minute video where we numerous times things doing just that. Plus he has used modern editing software and failed - where no such software was available in 1971

So your method involves using modern digital software on a single image, to create a 20fps video in 1971? It is a continuous video with mountains that don't get any nearer over several miles. The surface is lit for as far as can be seen. The sky is black. When the rover turns across Sun, the phase angle of the Moon changes and the whole surface is less reflective.

Can you explain in detail how that could possibly be done?

Regarding your bullshit about Apollo 15 flag:

Comedy spam time, posted probably about 500 times all over the internet.

Show me exactly where these are ruled out:

1. Video artefact blooming.
2. Flagpole settling in stand.
3. Static discharge.
4. Kicked soil striking the bottom of the pole sending small vibration.

Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax: The Apollo 15 flag (debunking-a-*****.blogspot.com)

"I have uploaded 7 videos on youtube analysing this subject. There are two main issues to deal with, namely the initial movement, and the subsequent movement after Dave Scott has passed by the flag.

Video 1

This video simply highlights the initial movement.

Video 2

In this video, I demonstrate that Jarrah White is self debunking his own claims. He runs past his own badly hung flag, yet fails to move it until he is level with it. He is considerably closer than Dave Scott was to the Apollo 15 flag. There is the barest of movements as he draws level.

Video 3

In this video I show the original Apollo 15 flag moving for 30 seconds. Using Jarrah's 66% slowed down footage theory, that equates to 20 seconds.
White then proceeds to run past his own flag several times, yet is only able to move his flag for 4-5 seconds. That equates to 6-7.5 seconds adjusted up 150%.
With White's flag, there is a totally different billowing movement, a rapid stop, and indeed a much more aggresive motion. No gentle back and forth prolonged swaying as per Apollo 15 flag.

Video 4

This video shows a wide book being dropped from 1 metre and failing to move a plastic bag until it is a few inches away from it.

Video 5

In this video, I isolate several frames and show the flag with movement and Dave Scott at least four feet away. I show several color filtered shots that highlight the actual flagpole itself moving, that is clearly impossible. This one video debunks the "wall of air" contention completely, since air will only be pushed a few inches in front of a body in motion. The plastic bag demonstrated this.

Video 6

In this video I take it a step further. Using frame grabs, I show Dave Scott about 6 feet away from the flag, with clear movement.

Video 7

This final video is my personal favorite. If you watch no other video, watch this one.
I show White debunking himself in the most totally conclusive way. Simpler if you just watch it.


From apollohoax.net, user Headlikearock has made a very significant observation concerning the lens flares on the flag. They actually move alongside the flag itself, the flagpole and parts of the ground. Here is the direct link, and the picture below:-


NOW! Explain how lens flares move within a static camera - of course you will ignore this.
Last edited:
More on Apollo 15 flag:
There are two possible explanations for the initial movement.
The movement is a camera blooming effect, caused by Dave Scott entering the frame and the camera blooming with CRT effect to compensate.
It is consistent with the whole flag shifting right, including the flagpole itself, and also consistent with slightly more movement to the edge caused by the wide angle lens' natural distortion to objects at its edge.
The movement could also be caused by ground vibration, since the flagpole is seated into the regolith, which has a consistency similar to sandstone just below it's surface.
I tend to favor the former of these two, but I am open to the other.
What I am not open to, is a mystery wall of air pushing against a nylon flag from 6 feet away, 4 feet away, or even 2 feet away.

Finally, the main movement:
The movement of the flag as the astronaut passes, is simply caused by his arm brushing it. There are two debunking videos explaining it perfectly.

Regarding your spammed to death "windyz" video:

Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax: The Apollo 17 Flag (debunking-a-*****.blogspot.com)
"Since you wish to include this as part of your wall of spam, I shall debunk it properly.

Video 1:-
Here is my first video showing the whole clip from the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. In this video, the astronauts crossover a few times, so the idea they are using "wires" that we never see, can be quickly debunked.

Video 2:-
Now, we have discounted the use of wires, since it would be impossible to stop them tangling! Here is the next video with the film firstly sped up 150%. The dust and flag motion is excessive, and several movements by the astronauts look very odd. There are short glimpses of vertical motion showing that it still is too slow for Earth gravity. I then speed the film up 200%, and now it all looks patently absurd.

Video 3:-
The final video is a debunk of the motion, showing also that the flagpole is rotating, causing a massive dampening effect to any pendulum swing.

Idiot Steve the Chemist video:

Moronic. A chemist doing physics where he fails to understand a multi-pivot complex pendulum made of fabric with its main axis across the diagonal! His main assumption on which he bases his entire video is completely flawed, he uses the drop height of the flag when it oscillates across the diagonal. Epic fail and on which you are dishonestly ignoring since this has been responded to you many many times.

Regarding the Lunar Rover being a model:

Ludicrous. If you believe this you are as mad as a hatter.

Repeat spam about LROC:

Once again ignoring detailed responses. The idiot who made that video has "analysed" internet crops from huge TIFF files of many gigabytes in size. Of course these are produced using editing software!
(from post #150)
Betamax is a known sophist who never admits it when he's been shown to be wrong. I already pointed out an example.

Bullshit. Ad hominem argument. You routinely get humiliated by this guy. So much so that you evade his entire response. You do realise that you are a known dishonest serial forum spammer and your pathetic opinion is worthless. Yes I'm sure you do.

And who the hell are you to be assessing people's credibility based on your own incompetent and deceitful claims?

You are afraid to answer any of that post because you cannot. What motivates anyone to act like you? You are Sisyphus - only you're trying to push a heap of horseshit up Everest.
These videos argue that we never went to the moon.

From May 2007. Fourteen years ago. FOURTEEN YEARS. And of course they are riddled with mistakes, ignorance and lies.

You are an absurd person to still be posting the same identical crap as you did that long ago. Worse than still spamming for that long, is your persistent, wilful ignorance and evasion of every single response to you. In all the time you have been skittering your mess around the internet like a cat with dysentery, not once have you withdrawn ANY of it.

You have no skills or education on anything concerning the Moon landings, yet for some reason you think you are the eagle-eyed "truth" seeker who sees things, that far, far more informed people do not. The reality is that you probably have the severest case possible of Dunning Kruger syndrome. It is as futile as it could get to debate with you, you just evade or deny then when the heat gets too hot, vacate and come back later with the same horseshit. You have no capacity for logic or reason and the most profound lack of critical thinking skills.

"Get a life" is the first phrase that comes to mind. Get some education is the second!
Some pretty clear anomalies are pointed out in this video.

Jet Wintzer, MOON HOAX NOW

At the 40:13 time mark the sound during the missions is analyzed. It gets especially interesting at the 48:47 time mark.
More on Apollo 15 flag:
There are two possible explanations for the initial movement.
The movement is a camera blooming effect, caused by Dave Scott entering the frame and the camera blooming with CRT effect to compensate.
It is consistent with the whole flag shifting right, including the flagpole itself, and also consistent with slightly more movement to the edge caused by the wide angle lens' natural distortion to objects at its edge.
The movement could also be caused by ground vibration, since the flagpole is seated into the regolith, which has a consistency similar to sandstone just below it's surface.
I tend to favor the former of these two, but I am open to the other.
What I am not open to, is a mystery wall of air pushing against a nylon flag from 6 feet away, 4 feet away, or even 2 feet away.

Finally, the main movement:
The movement of the flag as the astronaut passes, is simply caused by his arm brushing it. There are two debunking videos explaining it perfectly.

Regarding your spammed to death "windyz" video:

Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax: The Apollo 17 Flag (debunking-a-*****.blogspot.com)
"Since you wish to include this as part of your wall of spam, I shall debunk it properly.

Video 1:-
Here is my first video showing the whole clip from the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. In this video, the astronauts crossover a few times, so the idea they are using "wires" that we never see, can be quickly debunked.

Video 2:-
Now, we have discounted the use of wires, since it would be impossible to stop them tangling! Here is the next video with the film firstly sped up 150%. The dust and flag motion is excessive, and several movements by the astronauts look very odd. There are short glimpses of vertical motion showing that it still is too slow for Earth gravity. I then speed the film up 200%, and now it all looks patently absurd.

Video 3:-
The final video is a debunk of the motion, showing also that the flagpole is rotating, causing a massive dampening effect to any pendulum swing.

Idiot Steve the Chemist video:

Moronic. A chemist doing physics where he fails to understand a multi-pivot complex pendulum made of fabric with its main axis across the diagonal! His main assumption on which he bases his entire video is completely flawed, he uses the drop height of the flag when it oscillates across the diagonal. Epic fail and on which you are dishonestly ignoring since this has been responded to you many many times.

Regarding the Lunar Rover being a model:

Ludicrous. If you believe this you are as mad as a hatter.

Repeat spam about LROC:

Once again ignoring detailed responses. The idiot who made that video has "analysed" internet crops from huge TIFF files of many gigabytes in size. Of course these are produced using editing software!

Bump. Awaiting a reply. Ignoring the spam because he hasn't even responded to any of this yet!
The link works now.

This info was originally on YouTube but it all disappeared. It came back on Brighteon. It such good research that the powers that be don't want people to see it.

Haha, have to laugh at this bloke. He posts the same bollocks on the previous page that he has cluster spammed on the political forum and pretty much every time he ignores or denies the childproof explanations. Right at the top is my response showing a few responses and he has ignored the whole lot!

Steve "the chemist" is a *****. He uses figures for a fabric as a pendulum that identify the whole width of the flag when anyone with a brain cell can see it is swinging about its diagonal. EPIC FAIL!
Reposting to see if we can get some honest ignorant responses:

More on Apollo 15 flag:

There are two possible explanations for the initial movement.
The movement is a camera blooming effect, caused by Dave Scott entering the frame and the camera blooming with CRT effect to compensate.
It is consistent with the whole flag shifting right, including the flagpole itself, and also consistent with slightly more movement to the edge caused by the wide angle lens' natural distortion to objects at its edge.
The movement could also be caused by ground vibration, since the flagpole is seated into the regolith, which has a consistency similar to sandstone just below it's surface.
I tend to favor the former of these two, but I am open to the other.
What I am not open to, is a mystery wall of air pushing against a nylon flag from 6 feet away, 4 feet away, or even 2 feet away.

Finally, the main movement:
The movement of the flag as the astronaut passes, is simply caused by his arm brushing it. There are two debunking videos explaining it perfectly.

Regarding your spammed to death "windyz" video:

Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax: The Apollo 17 Flag (debunking-a-*****.blogspot.com)
"Since you wish to include this as part of your wall of spam, I shall debunk it properly.

Video 1:-
Here is my first video showing the whole clip from the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. In this video, the astronauts crossover a few times, so the idea they are using "wires" that we never see, can be quickly debunked.

Video 2:-
Now, we have discounted the use of wires, since it would be impossible to stop them tangling! Here is the next video with the film firstly sped up 150%. The dust and flag motion is excessive, and several movements by the astronauts look very odd. There are short glimpses of vertical motion showing that it still is too slow for Earth gravity. I then speed the film up 200%, and now it all looks patently absurd.

Video 3:-
The final video is a debunk of the motion, showing also that the flagpole is rotating, causing a massive dampening effect to any pendulum swing.

Idiot Steve the Chemist video:

Moronic. A chemist doing physics where he fails to understand a multi-pivot complex pendulum made of fabric with its main axis across the diagonal! His main assumption on which he bases his entire video is completely flawed, he uses the drop height of the flag when it oscillates across the diagonal. Epic fail and on which you are dishonestly ignoring since this has been responded to you many many times.

Regarding the Lunar Rover being a model:

Ludicrous. If you believe this you are as mad as a hatter.

Repeat spam about LROC:

Once again ignoring detailed responses. The idiot who made that video has "analysed" internet crops from huge TIFF files of many gigabytes in size. Of course these are produced using editing software!
(post #153)

Post #154
Bullshit. Ad hominem argument. You routinely get humiliated by this guy. So much so that you evade his entire response. You do realise that you are a known dishonest serial forum spammer and your pathetic opinion is worthless. Yes I'm sure you do.

And who the hell are you to be assessing people's credibility based on your own incompetent and deceitful claims?

You are afraid to answer any of that post because you cannot. What motivates anyone to act like you? You are Sisyphus - only you're trying to push a heap of horseshit up Everest.

Post #155
From May 2007. Fourteen years ago. FOURTEEN YEARS. And of course they are riddled with mistakes, ignorance and lies.

You are an absurd person to still be posting the same identical crap as you did that long ago. Worse than still spamming for that long, is your persistent, wilful ignorance and evasion of every single response to you. In all the time you have been skittering your mess around the internet like a cat with dysentery, not once have you withdrawn ANY of it.

You have no skills or education on anything concerning the Moon landings, yet for some reason you think you are the eagle-eyed "truth" seeker who sees things, that far, far more informed people do not. The reality is that you probably have the severest case possible of Dunning Kruger syndrome. It is as futile as it could get to debate with you, you just evade or deny then when the heat gets too hot, vacate and come back later with the same horseshit. You have no capacity for logic or reason and the most profound lack of critical thinking skills.

"Get a life" is the first phrase that comes to mind. Get some education is the second!
This is good.

No, it ain't. There are loads of noises in Apollo audio, he's just clipped bits that seem to occur at the right time. You appear to be dropping this shite video on 2 other forums, are there others I am not aware of?

THIS BELOW IS GOOD - it is completely dishonest for you to avoid them - it says everything about the kind of person you are.

More on Apollo 15 flag:

There are two possible explanations for the initial movement.
The movement is a camera blooming effect, caused by Dave Scott entering the frame and the camera blooming with CRT effect to compensate.
It is consistent with the whole flag shifting right, including the flagpole itself, and also consistent with slightly more movement to the edge caused by the wide angle lens' natural distortion to objects at its edge.
The movement could also be caused by ground vibration, since the flagpole is seated into the regolith, which has a consistency similar to sandstone just below it's surface.
I tend to favor the former of these two, but I am open to the other.
What I am not open to, is a mystery wall of air pushing against a nylon flag from 6 feet away, 4 feet away, or even 2 feet away.

Finally, the main movement:
The movement of the flag as the astronaut passes, is simply caused by his arm brushing it. There are two debunking videos explaining it perfectly.

Regarding your spammed to death "windyz" video:

Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax: The Apollo 17 Flag (debunking-a-*****.blogspot.com)
"Since you wish to include this as part of your wall of spam, I shall debunk it properly.

Video 1:-
Here is my first video showing the whole clip from the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. In this video, the astronauts crossover a few times, so the idea they are using "wires" that we never see, can be quickly debunked.

Video 2:-
Now, we have discounted the use of wires, since it would be impossible to stop them tangling! Here is the next video with the film firstly sped up 150%. The dust and flag motion is excessive, and several movements by the astronauts look very odd. There are short glimpses of vertical motion showing that it still is too slow for Earth gravity. I then speed the film up 200%, and now it all looks patently absurd.

Video 3:-
The final video is a debunk of the motion, showing also that the flagpole is rotating, causing a massive dampening effect to any pendulum swing.

Idiot Steve the Chemist video:

Moronic. A chemist doing physics where he fails to understand a multi-pivot complex pendulum made of fabric with its main axis across the diagonal! His main assumption on which he bases his entire video is completely flawed, he uses the drop height of the flag when it oscillates across the diagonal. Epic fail and on which you are dishonestly ignoring since this has been responded to you many many times.

Regarding the Lunar Rover being a model:

Ludicrous. If you believe this you are as mad as a hatter.

Repeat spam about LROC:

Once again ignoring detailed responses. The idiot who made that video has "analysed" internet crops from huge TIFF files of many gigabytes in size. Of course these are produced using editing software!