This is another example of a cornered person changing the discussion to weasel out. Instead of addressing the things I wrote, you are now challenging me to do something that was not part of the initial post's scope. Your diatribe about Liberals is painfully lame--Libs pass laws and then ignore them? Once again you seem to be calling for some kind of a draconian, conservative police-state.{/quote]
Of course you won't take the challenge. To do so would force you to admit that you were wrong in your initial accusations. Unsurprising.
Pillars of society? Yep, we can all see that Canada went down in flames when they got marriage EQUALITY. What are there now, 6 first world countries and 1 US State that allow marriage EQUALITY, and you're still stuck in the 1500's on the subject? White supremacy was a "pillar of society" too, just like the superiority of men--but our discussions put paid to that idea, don't they?
Granting special rights based on sexual preference does not constitute equality. Granting special rights based on anything doesn't constitute equality. You like to suggest that people are guilty of redefining words, when you are the all time champ.
Like abrogating the Constitution to spy on Americans? Like setting up illegal prisons to torture people in direct contravention to the Geneva Convention to which the US was a signer? Like passing laws to enshrine religious dogma into law to protect imaginary "pillars of society"?
Liberals shouldn't accuse anyone of abrogating the constitution. There have been 45 million murders as a result of a liberal court abrogating the constitution. When any conservative measure equals that number, let me know.
You should go back to focusing on abortion arguments, Pale, your technicolor description and rhetorical fireworks coupled with incessant drumbeat of "murder, murder, murder..." was so nauseating that most people stopped arguing with you and left your thread--thus giving you the appearance of victory. Even though the deaths still continue. In the last paragraph in your post 142 you make a wild accusation without a shred of proof, but I wanted to address the misunderstanding we have there. Do you know who Fred Phelps is? He's the preacher of the Westboro Baptist Church and he and his sycophants are so egregiously abusive and stupid towards gay people that even religious folks who basically agree with his beliefs despise him for his insanely vitriolic diatribes. To a lesser extent that's how I feel about you. I don't always disagree with you, but you are such a violent extremist with your demands for draconian laws and your sweeping acerbic statements about vast numbers of people whom you lump together in groups under ill-defined rubrics that I don't want to be associated with you in any way. (Other than browbeating you on discussion sites.

How you feel about me is irrelavent mare and whether you like it or not, certain minds were changed as a result of my arguments. Ask around, I am sure that it won't be hard to find a thinking person or two who changed their stance on abortion as a direct result of my arguments.
Please note that I didn't call you a single nasty name--like "ignorant twit" or "big mouth".
Should I bring some of the nasty names foreward and ignorant twit isn't even in the same league with the sort of slander you hurled at me.