Middle East's Secretive Nuclear Power


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2007
The Middle East's Secretive Nuclear Power
George Monbiot -- The Guardian (Britain)
http://www.guardian.co.uk/comme ntisfree/story/0,,2213814,00.html

George Bush and Gordon Brown are right: there should be no nuclear weapons in the Middle East. The risk of a nuclear conflagration could be greater there than anywhere else. Any nation developing them should expect a firm diplomatic response. So when will they impose sanctions on Israel? ... So when will our governments speak up? When will they acknowledge that there is already a nuclear power in the Middle East, and that it presents an existential threat to its neighbours? When will they admit that Iran is not starting a nuclear arms race, but joining one? When will they demand that the rules they impose on Iran should also apply to Israel?
Another thread on the not so secret existence of Israel's handful of defensive nuclear weapons? Hmmmm

I wonder if it has anything to do with being on the receiving end four different times of deliberate agressive military action by her neighbors.
Two things:

(1) We object to Iran pursuing nuclear weapons because they are signatories to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Pursuing nuclear weapons is in violation of that treaty. QED.

(2) We do not object to Israel pursuing or possessing nuclear weapons because they are not signatories to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Pursuing/possessing nuclear weapons is not in violation of that treaty. QED.

There ya go. Biggest non-issue of the year.

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