My concern as a father of 2 wonderful daughters 28 & 21 is their safety and availability to all options in a safe medical setting. I'll trust they're judgment. It shouldn't be up to you... or me... or the government. It's the woman who has to live with the decision and the aftermath either way. No one is a fan or abortion... but simply... it's her call.
Support murder. I should have guessed.
WOW! COOL! Then you just absolutely hate the Republicans and George Bush! Biggest growth EVER!
WOW! And EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT in congress who passed EACH SPENDING BILL!! You know, the money for grants spent on alternative fuel research, and the freedom car to get us off oil you hate?
Come on my friend...You know EXACTLY where McBush stands. Take the Bush spend it up, cut taxes on the wealthy (as in beer heiresses, McBush's wife) and war war war. Basically John McCain will have the easiest job of any President ever. All he needs is a bottle of Whiteout and sign his name to the existing documents...
I must be rich. At 17K last year, I got a tax cut from Bush, and a tax rebate this year. Darn I'm a wealthy guy.
I clearly remember the McCain/Kennedy comprehensive immigration Bill.. so McCain is not only, not in your column but yet AGAIN... FLIP FLOPPING, PANDERING or just plain lying again. Pick any one and you'll be correct.
Which doesn't change the fact Obama has no plan for securing the boarders.
WAS a maverick... now a Republican gelding. Obama is for working both sides to lesson tensions. Democrats believe that a shaky peace or even just a temporary truce is better than all out war. Both Carter and Clinton achieved movement in the direction of peace and kept people talking. Obama would act similarly.
What garbage. What did either Carter or Captain Underpants do for peace? Obama would surrender in Iraq, leading to a massive genocide and loss of respect of the entire Iraqi nation. The new government would take the techonological advances in Iraq, and use them to export terrorism world wide, as Saddam had been prior. Iraq would become a puppet of Syria and Iran, both of whom are our enemies.
Bush... push for democracy and then say... Well we're not going to recognize or even talk to the people you legally elected because I'm gonna call them terrorists. America demands a redo until we get your leaders the way we like them.
We do not deal with terrorists. The end. However, I agree we should not have been involved with Israel at all on this. They should deal with it themselves.
It's hard to find everything one wants in a candidate. But at the end of the day we know Bush policy has been mostly a combination of help the millionaires succeed, lies, and needless & deadly wars of occupation, and taxpayer money hemorrhaging.
Agreed there. In fact it's hard to find a candidate with anything I want. I suppose I'm a millionaire now since his reduction in taxes benefited me. That and his tax rebate benefits me. So I best go to my bank vault and check out the millions I have.
McBush... same deal unfortunately. Senator Obama... a new inspiring, intelligent positive direction.
New inspiring? You are in your 50s and still believe in empty charismatic speakers? I'm surprised you are not sending money to those TV evangelists like Benny Hin.
Tell me, what
new inspiring intelligent positive direction on what issue do you support? More illegals? Socialized healthcare? (which has worked soooo well elsewhere in the world) More government control over every aspect of your life? Higher gas prices? How about talking with Iran? I'm sure a guy who refuses to believe in the Holocaust is a perfectly reasonable chap that we can deal with. You think government spends too much now? How will they provide universal health coverage without spending billions more?
So which inspiring view is it? Better yet, tell me which views Obama has, that McCain doesn't? You have your head shoved up your politics again.