It's amazing. Bush & the Republicans drive America in a ditch. Refuse to admit everything they've touched has turned to manure. And there are those that still say JUST KEEP DOING THE EXACT SAME THINGS... IT WILL GET BETTER.
As Benjamin Franklin and Sigmund Freud have said...
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results. "
Rolling back the tax cuts for the rich is the right thing to do. The economy was great for 8 straight years under President Clinton with the slightly high tax rate on the higher bracket.
Get out of Iraq and save America the bleeding of Taxpayer money @ $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH. End the special interest Bush tax cuts to the rich. And we're on a much better economic road again.
First you have to be smart enough (honest enough with yourself) to know you've driven yourself into a ditch in the first place ... then you think "what did I do to keep out of this ditch before"... then you stop just spinning your wheels getting stuck deeper & deeper... and then you finally straighten the wheels slowly rock yourself out & go back to the smarter driving techniques that keep you out of the ditch in the past.
As Benjamin Franklin and Sigmund Freud have said...
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results. "
Rolling back the tax cuts for the rich is the right thing to do. The economy was great for 8 straight years under President Clinton with the slightly high tax rate on the higher bracket.
Get out of Iraq and save America the bleeding of Taxpayer money @ $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH. End the special interest Bush tax cuts to the rich. And we're on a much better economic road again.
First you have to be smart enough (honest enough with yourself) to know you've driven yourself into a ditch in the first place ... then you think "what did I do to keep out of this ditch before"... then you stop just spinning your wheels getting stuck deeper & deeper... and then you finally straighten the wheels slowly rock yourself out & go back to the smarter driving techniques that keep you out of the ditch in the past.