The point you fail to concede is that the REPUBLICANS are not going to do anything you say they will. George Bush ran on the exact same type rhetoric you post now as what the REPUBLICANS will do.
Leave it to Top Gun to miss the entire point of the post which was to bash McCain. Masterful grasp of what should have been obvious.
Yes, Repugs do many times say one thing and do another. Nevertheless, the options are, have some idiot that will do the exact opposite, or have someone claims he'll do what we want... the choice is also obvious.
Also, Obama supporters constantly show their inability to think or grasp simple concepts. I don't want to be counted among them.
The simple and super obvious fact is if one only takes a second and looks at the spending numbers and size of government THE REPUBLICANS ARE NOW 100% THE PARTY OF BORROW AND SPEND!!!
I already addressed this in the thread on "
Can Democraps complain about overspending?" in which I pointed out one of the many bills passed by democraps, that violated their own PAYGO rules, and would generate billions in deficits. You have no credibility. Either start showing us how to be fiscally responsible with your actions, or just shut up.
Some used to say the Dems were tax and spend... with their senior citizens programs Social Security & Medicare along with other American social programs here at home helping Americans.
Social Security will be running a deficit by 2018, and bankrupt by 2041 at the latest. A tax and spend boondoggle in the making for years.
Medicare is still
going broke, is
subject to cuts, and is
causing doctors to leave the practice. Medicare, like all socialized programs is a nightmare, and it will get worse. Especially if we nationalize a failing system. Another brilliant idea by libidiots to find a failing horrible system, and nationalize so everyone must use the horrible failing system.
But now Republicans have taken to ballooning the deficit borrowing money from places like Communist China which is MUCH MUCH WORSE so they can run around the world playing Cowboy on any old lie just to try and control more oil producing countries & play Nation Builder.
We already covered this in the thread on "
Rockefeller (D) on Bush's lie", in which the Rockefeller report was discussed the openly stated that all the "lies" were substantiated by intelligence information. In other words, even the democraps on Crapital Hill admit it wasn't a lie. When will you?
Add to that the Republican's LOVE OF CORPORATE WELFARE and THEIR LOVE OF DEREGULATION AS IN THE HOME LOAN CRISIS (see McCain adviser Phil Graham) and you can see the economic fix the Republicans have put our country into.
First, we don't have a home loan crisis. There are thousands of traditional mortgages going through every week. The problem is the sub-prime loans... which are whose fault again? Is it governments fault you bought a home you couldn't possibly afford and got foreclosed on? I don't think so. People borrowed themselves into oblivion and you can't blame government for that.
Second, Democrats support corporate welfare constantly.
Third, after 8 years of a democrap, we were in a full blow recession. After 8 years of a repug, our economy is increasing to 0.9% growth, from a slow down of 0.6% growth. This opposed to the recession in 1999 and 2000 that was negative growth for more than 2 consecutive quarters. So 6 months of negative growth is a good thing to repeat, while a brief slow down that has always been positive growth is bad?
No more false bait and switch promises from the Radical Right. We need to try something really new this time. It's either that or we get 4 more years of steady Bush type war & economic decline with just another Bush surrogate in John McCain.
Right, no more false bait... instead let's choose someone we know will screw up the nation, instead of someone who might. Yeah incredibly new like the last time, and the time before, and the time before that.
New like... socialism that worked so well for those happy cubans, that they made small rafts to float here and even die trying to get their children here, just to tell us how great it is over there. So great in fact, our caring government had storm troopers go and lovingly escort children back to Cuba to enjoy the life they didn't want to leave!
I'll vote for the Bush type. Actually I'd rather vote for a real conservative, but given the options, McCain is at least a 100 times better. ... and I just can not possibly do anything that would associate myself with Obama supporters. I actually