Is this smart or stupid

Why didn't he just revive Trumps policies and settings?

Then we wouldn't have suffered as we have the past two years.

No, he needed to make us suffer and THEN give us a false sense of relief.

And you eat up his feces.
You know nothing about it you dickhead.
Thats not why he did it and thats not what it is for
He is carrying out a grand plan to weaken America and enrich Biden Inc.

It's spelled out in black & white, only ones who don't see it are trying to dupe us into thinking they are Demwits.

They are anti American agents.

Yo mammy gave me a venereal disease which makes me see visions of you in gawdawful poses with filthy transvestites.

lol. the truly amazing thing is that you make posts like that thinking it somehow hurts me? or makes you look intelligent? or..what? lol.

you're so stupid :)