May 21 2011


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Assuming that the religious loony who is pushing the rapture starting on Saturday is correct, what would forum members do in the next few days ?

"The 2011 end times prediction was made by Christian radio host Harold Camping that the Rapture (in Christian belief, the taking up into heaven of God's elect people) will take place on May 21, 2011[1][2] and that the end of the world as we know it will take place five months later on October 21, 2011.[3] These predictions were made by Camping, president of the Family Radio Christian network, who claims the Bible as his source and says May 21 will be the date of the Rapture and the day of judgment "beyond the shadow of a doubt".[4] His followers claim that around 200 million people (approximately 3% of the world's population) will be raptured.[5].."

Camping's bizarre calculations can be found at

Comrade Stalin
I hope they're all politicians, race warlords, news media shills, pedophiles, murderers, liars, con men, hypocrites, and other assorted scum..........basically, I hope they are all leftists.
I hope they're all politicians, race warlords, news media shills, pedophiles, murderers, liars, con men, hypocrites, and other assorted scum..........basically, I hope they are all leftists.

You need to get out and socialise more often.

Comrade Stalin
I hope they're all politicians, race warlords, news media shills, pedophiles, murderers, liars, con men, hypocrites, and other assorted scum..........basically, I hope they are all leftists.

A cheap shot and not worthy of you TruthSeeker, you should at least have put a smiley at the end of the sentence.
A cheap shot and not worthy of you TruthSeeker, you should at least have put a smiley at the end of the sentence.

You're absolutely correct, Mare. I should have put the big smiley face on the end of my last posting. My mistake.

Actually, my comment was a setup, since most leftists don't believe in God, and therefore certainly wouldn't buy into the whole "rapture" thing. :D:eek:
You're absolutely correct, Mare. I should have put the big smiley face on the end of my last posting. My mistake.

Actually, my comment was a setup, since most leftists don't believe in God, and therefore certainly wouldn't buy into the whole "rapture" thing. :D:eek:

I doubt that you know most "leftists" and therefore you don't actually KNOW if they believe in god, God, or a Great Creator. Our discussions would probably go more smoothly without the wild and unprovable accusations.
Y2k! Y2k!

what I love about Y2k is the reaction to it after nothing happened....with the whole computer thing..

companies and goverments spent a year and tons of money fixing the glitches...and then when nothing happened...people cried see you did not have to do anything...ignoring the fact that the reason nothing that we fixed them first...
However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself." Only the Father knows.

Matthew 24:36

odd that a Christian would think they know the date...unless they think they are that case...coo coo coo coo
If your not a flame throwing firebrand Gay bashing pro lifer....some just assume you don't belive in God...

Yeah, that's it. You got me. You caught "the tater". PFOS, you are a classic.

Mare, I used the big smiley face AND the "eek!" face, and you still took my last posting seriously. I can't win!