Massive Unemployment coming to the US


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
Its started out small but it's now on a roll.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
I'm sorry if you have already lost your job, but you will
not be alone soon. It's called CHANGE!

Real companies are laying off people left and right under Obama's policies.

People will become disenchanted with BO's lies when they realize he is lying and the stimulus is not helping but hurting.

The great depression will look like cake when BO is through with the US.
I work in the health care industry, Obama has been good. I also moonlight on the weekends working at a firearms retailer, Obama has been GREAT! Store sales are through the roof, especially on guns and ammo, where they can be had.
White House occupant revisions don't generally make that large of changes that fast. And White House occupants aren't actually in control anyhow--that's a myth. Yes, gainful employment and/or compensation for most folks will be heading downwards in ways both visible and invisible, but this is more due to an energy crunch. For those of you (and you know who you are) who are... "uneducated" enough to think that unlimited net-free energy awaits us in the Glorious Future IF ONLY we can get out from under the control of The Evil Minions of BigOil, you are very sadly mistaken and may possibly get the opportunity to understand the errors of your ways all too soon IF you're bright enough to be able to see it. It's immaterial, though, as the end of the ECONOMIC growth of carbon-based energy availability has drawn nigh.

That said, The Powers That Be have seen fit that it's time to thin the herd, and you, dear reader, are pretty much nothing more than that--an economic beast-of-burden to be used and discarded at will--to those folks. Now, you're a liability. At least, a large part of you are going to be in the very near future as far as They are concerned.

And, frankly, it's your CONSUMPTION that's the problem... it's really nothing against you personally, you understand--They just need what's left for themselves and you're hogging too much of it, that's all.
The job loss is due to a rational slow down in consumer buying which was false to begin with, since it was being supported by borrowing on inflated assets. Net-net we bought too much on too little and now we need to reset. We're at falt along with our political leaders.

On the other hand they can do a few things to bring this whole thing back into balance: Like adopting a 17.5% no-deduction Flat Tax with 0% Corporate Tax. These numbers work at covering the discretionary budget and will bring coprorations flocking back to the U.S.A. It will also keep more money in the hands of the lower wage earners, while reducing the cost of living by at least 10%. If this doesn't improve the unemployment numbers nothing will.

Check this idea out in the book: Political Common Sense for America

The job loss is due to a rational slow down in consumer buying which was false to begin with, since it was being supported by borrowing on inflated assets. Net-net we bought too much on too little and now we need to reset. We're at falt along with our political leaders.

On the other hand they can do a few things to bring this whole thing back into balance: Like adopting a 17.5% no-deduction Flat Tax with 0% Corporate Tax. These numbers work at covering the discretionary budget and will bring coprorations flocking back to the U.S.A. It will also keep more money in the hands of the lower wage earners, while reducing the cost of living by at least 10%. If this doesn't improve the unemployment numbers nothing will.

Check this idea out in the book: Political Common Sense for America


what companies are going to come back? and we have 0% percent for companies its called tax shelters ..( what the rest of us call cheating) and it still does not change the fact that labor cost are highter, and they have to pay for workers health care here, while not in any other nation.
The Sun went down, why Obama Why!

It's funny isn't it!:D

The Republicants were the master DEREGULATORS... spent $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH FOR 7 YEARS on another series of their lies to get the country into Nation Building... set us all up with the BUSH RECESSION...

and now they cry... we could do better than President Obama, we know we did terribly when left in charge but we know what to do now????????:confused:

BS... this is just the old worn out Republicant play book. When you screw everything up try and cast your weakness over onto your opponent.

The American People hated Bush... sent him away with the worst approval ratings for a President since polling began 22%. And a ton of his Republicant cronies got kicked to the curb 2 times in a row to go along with him.

All the Republicants can really do is try and fearmonger a little doom & gloom in a childish attempt to pray & hope that things improve as slowly as possible to slow the contrast between Bush and President Obama.

Won't make any difference things will get better during President Obama's first term and they get left looking like the bad losers they really are.
Won't make any difference [sic] things will get better during President Obama's first term...
Given that tomorrow will mark the 133rd anniversary of Custer's Last Stand at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, your remark reminds me of one of my favorite (fictional but playful) versions of Famous Last Words, in which Custer was purported to have advised his men: "Take no prisoners!"

You have absolutely no idea whatsoever of what's coming at you like a freight train in a tunnel with no wiggle room to avoid it.
Another Example of Obamas policies at work:

Household-products maker Kimberly-Clark Corp. said Thursday it plans to cut 1,600 jobs, or 3 percent of its global work force, as it slims down in the tough economy.

This is a first for KC but not a first for BO
It's called CHANGE!

It gettin worse and thats the truth!
Todays Significant Economic News:
The Labor Department said Thursday that new jobless claims jumped unexpectedly last week. And the number of people continuing to receive unemployment aid rose more than expected.

It's called change and don't be fooled\ by Liberal economic propaganda.
The Stock Market will sink, when reality sinks in.

Are you ready for layoffs? They are coming baby.
It;s called CHANGE!.

You can't spend it but it hurts.
Todays Significant Economic News:
The Labor Department said Thursday that new jobless claims jumped unexpectedly last week. And the number of people continuing to receive unemployment aid rose more than expected.

It's called change and don't be fooled\ by Liberal economic propaganda.
The Stock Market will sink, when reality sinks in.

Are you ready for layoffs? They are coming baby.
It;s called CHANGE!.

You can't spend it but it hurts.

I am excited about the change in my electric and gas bill. And I am just itching for that change in my health care :)
what companies are going to come back? and we have 0% percent for companies its called tax shelters ..( what the rest of us call cheating) and it still does not change the fact that labor cost are highter, and they have to pay for workers health care here, while not in any other nation.

I'm not sure what you're refering to, but as a small business owner and having worked for 2 Fortune 100 companies in the past - There are corporate taxes! They hit you every which way! Be clear that all corporate taxes are just pass through. That means every dollar that a company is taxed gets added into the price of their products or out of the paychecks of their employees.

This is what drives me crazy. Too many lawyers in D.C. and State Capitals who have never run a business and don't understand how to do the math. They do know how to pitch propoganda though. Giving people this angry "good guy/bad guy" mentallity between corporations and workers.

My 2 Cents!

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