More Obama induced Job Losses


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
Even though the news media in the US is trying to convince
the mindless that things are getting better in the US, they aren't.
They must want American to buy into the hype that they
know isn't true. Lies, lies and lies. There is no replacement
for the lost jobs. Not now.

Latest news:
The mortgage crisis is spreading and hitting new heights: Borrowers with good credit now make up the largest share of foreclosures as job losses and pay cuts exact their toll. Home prices are expected to fall, even in summer months, the
best months for Home Sales. Do you understand Obama's change?

Dell Inc. said Thursday 5/28 its fiscal first-quarter profit fell 63 percent as the recession continued to crimp computer sales around the world. For yous that
voted for Obama, a 63% drop in profit is unusually bad.

This is typical and not unusual with Obama's change..
So many companies are seeing similar results.

If only we could turn the clock back to the good Bush times.

Keep in mind we have now verified the results of stimulus spending
started by Bush but magnified by Obama one year later. There has been no economic improvement. Can't Obama come up with his own bad ideas?
No, he has to copy Bush. He lacks the creativity to come up with
a good idea. There will be no economic improvement in one year or two.

It is going to get ugly when people realize the lies don't add up.
Let's hope when Obama calls for higher taxes on the middle class
they balk. So far they act like mindless zombies, unable to realize
the US has no recovery coming. It's called CHANGE!
Pocketfull or is it Topgun? I post factual news and you
post liberal opinion.

Jewelry retailer Tiffany & Co. said Friday that its first-quarter profit plunged 62 percent as sales tumbled, particularly in the U.S., as consumers continued to shy away from luxury purchases.

It's getting bad out there under Obama, that is the fact. It will
get worse, just hang in there and be patient.

If you want to dispute the post than use a fact
or two.

It's called CHANGE!

Babies are now crying at night for their mother's milk, but they will go hungry
with Obama in charge.

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