Marijuana U.S.A.

"Investigators affiliated with the University of Iowa’s College of Public Health assessed data from a nationally representative sample of Americans over the age of 50. They estimated that 17 percent of those between the ages of 50 and 64 had used cannabis in the past year, as had 4 percent of those age 65 and older.

About eight percent of middle-aged consumers had
no prior lifetime history of cannabis use. Most respondents said that their attitudes toward cannabis had become more favorable as they grew older."



Billy Gray; 1962 Pot Bust

9. Injury and Death​

Chapter Highlights​

  • Cannabis use prior to driving increases the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
  • In states where cannabis use is legal, there is increased risk of unintentional cannabis overdose injuries among children.
  • It is unclear whether and how cannabis use is associated with all-cause mortality or with occupational injury.