Marijuana U.S.A.

"The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission (AMMC) recently announced the benefits that the state’s medical cannabis program, with million$ of dollar$ in cannabis tax funds helping to provide lunches for kids at school.

While the state has collected $
115 Million from cannabis taxes, $87 Million went toward free or low-cost lunches for children. AMMC spokesperson Scott Hardin explained the breakdown."

"For the third consecutive year, researchers worldwide published over 4,000 scientific papers specific to cannabis, its active constituents, and their effects, according to the results of a keyword search of the National Library of Medicine/ website.

Despite claims, by
some, that marijuana has yet to be subject to adequate scientific scrutiny, scientists’ interest in studying cannabis has increased exponentially in recent years, as has our understanding of the plant, its active constituents, their mechanisms of action, and their effects on both the user and upon society,” NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano said. “It is time for politicians and others to stop assessing cannabis through the lens of "what we dont know" and instead start engaging in evidence-based discussions about marijuana and marijuana reform policies that are indicative of all that we DO know.”
"For the third consecutive year, researchers worldwide published over 4,000 scientific papers specific to cannabis, its active constituents, and their effects, according to the results of a keyword search of the National Library of Medicine/ website.

Despite claims, by
some, that marijuana has yet to be subject to adequate scientific scrutiny, scientists’ interest in studying cannabis has increased exponentially in recent years, as has our understanding of the plant, its active constituents, their mechanisms of action, and their effects on both the user and upon society,” NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano said. “It is time for politicians and others to stop assessing cannabis through the lens of "what we dont know" and instead start engaging in evidence-based discussions about marijuana and marijuana reform policies that are indicative of all that we DO know.”
Christians do not need drugs to feel good.
"State officials will no longer take punitive actions against people who consume medical cannabis during their pregnancies.
The decision, announced by the Arizona Department of Child Safety last week, comes nearly one year after the state Supreme Court declined to reverse a lower court decision determining that the physician-authorized use of medical cannabis by a pregnant woman does not legally constitute neglect under state law.
Data assessing the relationship between in-utero cannabis exposure and various neonatal outcomes, such as birth weight, is inconsistent. However, longitudinal data indicates that cannabis exposure is rarely independently linked with adverse neurodevelopmental consequences, finding, “Although there is a theoretical potential for cannabis to interfere with neurodevelopment, human data drawn from four prospective cohorts have not identified any long-term or long lasting meaningful differences between children exposed in utero to cannabis and those not.”
"President Joe Biden issued a directive today expanding the pool of marijuana offenders eligible for federal pardons.

“I am issuing a Proclamation that will pardon additional offenses of simple possession and use of marijuana under federal and D.C. law,” the President stated. “Criminal records for marijuana use and possession have imposed needless barriers to employment, housing, and educational opportunities. Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. It’s time that we right these wrongs.


Democrats hate Republicans for Christian opposition to abortion, sodomy, and legalization of drugs. No wonder the fascist leftist barbarian Democrat Gestapo has arrested and jailed so many opponents of Democrat corruption.