"Cannabis products provide short-term relief for patients suffering from chronic muscle, joint, or nervepain, according to data published in the journal Cannabis."
"Cancer patients report lesspain and improved sleep following their use of cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs), according to observational data published in the Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy."
"The use of medical cannabis products by qualified patients ages 50 and older is associated with a reduced need for prescription medications and significant health-related quality of life improvements, according to data published in the scientific journal Cannabis. . Canadian investigators assessed medical cannabis use patterns and its effect on health outcomes in a cohort of 200+ olderpatients (average age: 67). Study participants primarily suffered from chronic pain-related conditions. Patients’ health data was collected at baseline and again at three months and at six months. Most patients in the study consumed orally administered cannabis products containing significant percentages of CBD."
"Quebec’s government-operatedmarijuana retailer, Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC), reported income of 40.5 million Canadian dollars ($28.6 Million U.S.) for its fiscal third quarter, which ended Jan. 4. . That’s an increase from CA$33 Million for the same period a year ago, according to a Tuesday news release."
"Patients who consume botanical cannabis over extended periods do not exhibit significant changes in their simulated driving performance, according to data published in the Journal of Safety Research. . Australian researchers assessed patients’ simulated driving performance at baseline and 45 minutes after they vaporized prescribed doses of cannabis flowers. (Under Australian law, physicians may authorize cannabis products to patients unresponsive to conventional prescription treatments.)"
. WHEW!!!! . "....patients unresponsive to conventional prescription treatments." . ONE O' THESE DAYS....we, in the States just, yet might catch-up to the civilized world!!!! . Currently, we're dealing with a lil' MAGAT problem. .
"The adjunctive use of CBD is safe and effective in mitigatingsevere behavioral symptoms in pediatric patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to data published in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. . Argentinian researchers assessed the efficacy of purified CBD in young patients (ages three to 17) with autism. CBD was administered as an add-on medication for six to 12 months. . Consistent with prior studies, investigators reported that CBD treatmentimproved the quality of life of patients and their families. In nearly half of the patients treated, the use of prescription medicationsdecreased following the initiation of CBD therapy."
"Polydrug consumers are more likely to cease using non-prescription opioids if they consume cannabis, according to data published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review. . Researchers affiliated with the University of British Columbia assessed the relationship between the use of cannabis and unregulated opioids among people who use drugs (PWUD) living with chronic pain. . They reported that the daily use of cannabis was positivelyassociated with opioidcessation, particularly among males."
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