Man robs bank to get jail healthcare

Why, thank you!

Kill, Neglect, eliminate social security, eliminate, stop universal health care. You say tomato, I say tomat-toe. The end result is increased poverty and less heath care for seniors. The Republican plan for seniors is to look the other way when you see a homeless one on the street. Quote from the "Real" Gipper: "...the only people who are homeless and living on the street are those who want to be there..."

I wonder about that too. How do they (you)?

Yes I did! It must have been when Conservatives added, "under God" to the pledge.

As I suspected. Can you please provide just one credible source to back up your assertion that the Rs want to do what you claim?

Just another reason why I am so thankful to have kept my wonderful children from ever walking the shi**y halls of a g-school.
Conservative reirement plan for the working class

Are you saying that there are no conservatives in the "working class"? Lol.

My only consolation is that conservative deniers children and grandchildren will end up eating "solent green" like everyone else.

Who said that Dahermit?
Are you saying that there are no conservatives in the "working class"? Lol.
Of course there are, just as there were Southerners fighting against the North even though the majority of them did not own slaves. Furthermore, there are conservatives in the working class for the same reasons there were Southerners who fought in the Confederacy despite not owning slaves. Some did not know any better. Some were happy to be employed as slave catchers, overseers, etc. Some were content to be paid just enough to have a slightly better standard of living than free blacks.

"My only consolation is that conservative deniers children and grandchildren will end up eating "solent green" like everyone else."

Who said that Dahermit?
I did. So what? Is that some kind of insidious attack? "...will end up eating "solent green" like everyone else."
insidious? Not at all. Totally in your face.

I just think that statement and thought process sums up the liberal mind in a nutshell, and yet you say you aren't necessarily one. I have never met a conservative person rich or poor who would wish ill on the child of someone who voted differently from them, just because the country went to Hell. You are so full of it to place the blame for the ills of this country on the conservative voter. And now, you are trying to pretend "hey we'll all be in the same boat together, crap".

If your statement meant anything OTHER than "I'm the kind of human being that wants others to suffer if I have to", please do tell.

Truth is an acquired taste- A few like it, some dislike it, some find it abhorrent to the point they will not believe it.

Also, I have a Freakin' degree in History, so don't I certainly don't need any lessons from you about the Civil War.
Gosh...I was going to quote some of your previous posts as my source.

That is not an acceptable response.

You have made some very serious allegations against the R party. You then fail to back ANY of those allegations with credible sources.

Someone who claims to be as old as you have and attained advanced degrees as you have, would be intelligent enough to understand that in a debate one must back up their assertions.
That is not an acceptable response.

You have made some very serious allegations against the R party. You then fail to back ANY of those allegations with credible sources.

Someone who claims to be as old as you have and attained advanced degrees as you have, would be intelligent enough to understand that in a debate one must back up their assertions.
Oh? Is that your policy now? Please do not back up all your assertions that you have made about liberals in this forum since you have been here. I would not want to have to read that much baloney.

I told you before, I am only 30 years old and have an eight-grade education. Oh, and I am am handsome. So, now you know.
Oh? Is that your policy now? Please do not back up all your assertions that you have made about liberals in this forum since you have been here. I would not want to have to read that much baloney.

I told you before, I am only 30 years old and have an eight-grade education. Oh, and I am am handsome. So, now you know.

We are not debating me. We are debating your foolish comments regarding Rs. You claim to be intelligent and well schooled (though your posts offer no evidence of this). Why can't you back up your assertions?

You make outrageous accusations, which appear to be parroted from Dem talking points. Could you please offer some credible sources backing this accusations?

You might look at many of my posts for instruction on backing one's assertions.
...You claim to be intelligent...

If you can show me the post where I did this, I will be happy to answer all your questions.
I am only 30 years old, not intelligent, but I am extremely handsome...Oh, and rich too. So now you know.
This entire argument has no basis in reality...everything everyone is saying is pure speculation.

Until you fully know the guys personal situation, you cannot really speak honestly about it.

Maybe there was a long combination of factors that got him to this point and he had nowhere else to turn, or maybe not.

He worked for Coca-Coca for 17 years...did he save any money? Was it because he was unable to, or because of poor financial planning?

He was on Food Stamps for awhile it said, did he attempt to get on Medicare and Medicaid? With an income level such as that, he should easily qualify.

What about other job opportunities? Story says he lost his job with Coca-Coca and then another delivery service, did he attempt to do anything else other than work at a convenience store?

I feel for the guy, obviously to do what he has done one must be somewhat desperate...what I question is the reason for such desperation. The fact that he stated (in the story) that he "plans to spend a few years in jail, before getting out in time to collect Social Security and move to the beach" shows a complete disregard for personal responsibility to me.

That said, until other questions, like the ones above can be fully answered, there is no point in a speculative back and forth, because no one knows the actual facts from that story alone.
Originally Posted by dahermit
I am only 30 years old, not intelligent, but I am extremely handsome...Oh, and rich too. So now you know.

Well, there's never been a shortage of "business" for people with that attitude and ability. Lol.
Here is your post.

What he said out of frustration of being abondoned after working all his life, and now reaping the "rewards" of a "Conservative retirement".

Conservative reirement plan for the working class = die of neglect in a cardboard box over a heat vent in the Winter.

Now can you please provide a credible source that backs this ridiculous opinion?