Refugees Crisis


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2007
Refugees Crisis

Great Migrant invasion? Except when white Europeans do it, it's ok. Look at Australia, North America, South Africa and New Zealand.....full of white European migrants. White man's double standards.

Because colonization is the number one reason for immigration, its cause and effect and the consequences of invading and occupying other countries. For 500 years Native European migrants have wreaked havoc on Earth, before that no one knew where Europe was. The rest of the world is now pioneering the settlement of Europe. Great European countries who exported state terror to other countries and then criticise the fall out. Something wrong with that logic.

The Old Continent should invite the refugees, due to the wars it set up and funded; as a source of renewal, as fresh neuronal cells that will salvage Europe from Alzheimer’s. These people, these children (mainly the children), if they are given a chance to live, to work, to study, to create art, will contribute to the birth of a new continent. Europe is in its death throes, senile and grouchy, a Megaera with rotten entrails, contaminated by the fascisms it bred – and never perished.

Civilization is on the verge of a huge shift to a migratory population. Climate change is going to make large sectors of our planet uninhabitable and the populations of these places will migrate like the herds of Africa. It aren't goanna be pretty. Inexorably our overpopulation will be remedied. Humankind has been more clever than the planet can support.

I find it difficult to differentiate between refugees fleeing wars, fleeing food insecurity because of agribusiness policies, fleeing poverty because of IMF and World Bank policies. We can expect many, many more to be soon fleeing climate change but they will be considered economic migrant and not refugees. The British PM detailed it at the Summit and i paraphrase "if we help the refugees, we have to keep the migrants out"...and no doubt invent a league table of the deserving and the less deserving, the vulnerable and the less vulnerable... Don't we have to look beyond the immediate cause such as the Afghan/Iraq/Syrian wars and seriously think about erasing those imaginary lines drawn on the planet called borders.

There would be no refugee problem if there were no wars or threat of wars. WE invaded the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq. They were wars of our choosing. Neither Afghanis nor Iraqis attacked us on 9/11, even if you believe the official story. We fomented the Syrian disaster by using covert ops to identify people who were willing to overturn the Assad government and arming them and training them and when they came out of the shadows and used those arms, carefully orchestrated to make Assad look as though he had started the whole thing, Obama began his 'Assad must go' campaign. All hell broke loose in Syria because our government had again decided on regime change, as it had with Iraq and Libya. What part of 'we are in THEIR country' do we not understand. We started it, we broke it into smithereens, and we act as though we had nothing to do with it. Proud of our country?Not me.

Maybe we should think about the consequences of bombing countries before we bomb them? If we destroy their country, they should be allowed in ours. Is weird how after thousands upon thousands of years of conflict we haven't yet learnt the lesson: If you invade a foreign land, destroy their homes and ravage the land the locals will be displaced and roam around looking for a new place to settle... And for thousand and thousands of years at the start of each war the warmongers have uttered "this time it'll be different" We know this, but this has never been about people; it's about making money from waging wars. And that's what our governments excel in. And they know very well about the consequences, but they simply couldn't care less. The more they bomb Arabs, the more refugees will come seeking help and asylum, which means the extreme right in the West gets more support. Which means there's more public support from just bombing them over there instead.

Did we help Iraq? Afghan? Libya? Syria? No. I wonder when all the experts will realise our foreign policies are not working. Players like UK and USA take all the refugees since their are the main bombers.UK and USA should take all of the immigrants since these two are the ones that destabilised middle east in the first place. It would be great if instead of arguing about who should take how many we simply accepted that displaced people need a home and we should be making sure they have one, in a spirit of open humanitarianism.

We are facing one of the biggest refugee crisis since the second world war, the Med has turned into a human soup with desperate people fleeing for safety: running from certain death to an uncertain future, risking death and facing cruelty and indifference from our 'developed' societies,They don't want to leave their homes and come to Europe or anywhere else, they have no choice but what the hell, 'they're foreign and different and we don't like them so stick them in a hole and defecate on them', eh? I s that what you are saying scum? I am sick of being polite and nice to people who think we can't make a difference or we can't help. You just don't want to help because you are just too comfortable and you don't give a toss about anybody else. Go on, rant, rave and troll and let people die and show nothing but contempt and indifference but don't feel good about yourselves or think that you are a decent human being, your very lack of compassion shows that you are not. Go down the pub with your mates, buy a pair of shoes - you know, something important and caring.

Actually if you look at the refugee council statistics you will see that there are many Muslim countries have taken in refugees. Contrary to what the media tells us, the majority of refugees end up in countries that border the conflicted state. Lebanon has a large amount as has Jordan and other states that are much poorer than ours. If they fight for their country they are terrorists. Otherwise refugees. I wonder which one is easier. Perhaps the root of the issue isn't the fact that they are refugees, but how they are treated as refugees? It's time to make a humane stance for Refugees. They are fleeing war trying to save their families- some can only afford to send their children. While we sit in comfort these people are risking all for safety, time for compassionate stance and let the unaccompanied children in and young families. What would happen to these poor kids my heart does go out to them but they will still suffer from abusers who will exploit the wee souls God have mercy on them they didn't ask for life to give them a raw deal yet in a way people are struggling and the world is so untrusting and sick i can see both side don't know what the solution is to keep kids safe.

Yes we have children in need here, which is disgusting as we are the 6th richest country in the world. We have plenty to go around, but sadly have a Conservative government who are only interested in them and theirs. Do our own children have food? Yes they do, even if it's sadly from a food bank.! Can they get clean drinking water? Yes they can! Do they have access to medication, treatment and pain relief? Yes for now, until this Conservative government fully privatise our NHS! Then we too will have men women and children suffering and dying in agony because they can't pay for treatment, medication or pain relief! Do our poor children have to worry about bring injured, maimed or killed by bombs each and every day! No thankfully they don't! Are there homes flattened to the ground? No they aren't and if they have no homes, although a hostel isn't very nice, at least they have a roof over their head! Big, big difference!!!!! There's only one world and only one human family. What if they were your children? But they're not are they?

Muslim Refugees children must be adopted and fostered by Muslim families. On top of that they must be educated in state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Muslim children must develop their cultural. spiritual and linguistic identities before they are exposed to wider society, otherwise, they would be lost in western jungle.

A minority of extremists are violent and dictatorial. Their religion has the potential to be full of violence and hatred, but then so does Judaism and Christianity - all three Abrahamic religions come from a common root. Historically there have been plenty of progressive Muslims and there still are, they made many of the discoveries that are the basis of our science today and continue to make positive contributions across society.
Australia etc were not immigrants they were colonisers. The government sent them there. immigrants move on their own.

All criminals were sent to Australia and still majority of their descendants are involved in criminal activities. They slaughtered the native population who welcomed in the beginning. The call themselves a so called civilised nation. Shame on them!
All criminals were sent to Australia and still majority of their descendants are involved in criminal activities. They slaughtered the native population who welcomed in the beginning. The call themselves a so called civilised nation. Shame on them!
If you welcome a country out to colonize you, you have only yourself to blame. a lesson Europe is learning with its muslims.
Shouldn't scold others for what you do yourself.
Muslims are not colonising Europe and America. The real issue is that the western natives are revering to Islam and by the turn of this century nearly half of them would be Muslims.
You mean like Christians in Africa? The catholic popes for hundreds of years have preached "Be fruitful and multiply"
Yes same principle only way back when there was a lot more room and all labor was manual so people were needed. The muslims have been doing it to gain political clout for the goal of making every nation a Muslim one as they are called to do in their dogma.