Liberal supports burning churches and clinics in America

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
I have no problem with them burning churches or whatever. American is full of low iq godbotherers and fraudulent charlatans who take their money.
Those were the posters exact words as I copied them .
Hes a big Joe Biden supporter and liberal.
Is this what being a liberal has come to ?
How sad and pathetic do you have to be to support this ?
Liberals have become terrorist attempting to attack supreme court justices , burning churches and pro life clinics burning police stations private company's looting .
I have complained about how liberals support such things in numbers not just a few loose screws but in numbers S THE MILLIONS INVOLVED IN BLM AND ANTIFA RIOTS PROVED.
POW WE HAVE a law changed and liberals instead of trying to change the law legally start burning churches as if its their fault or pro life clinics . Yes attaching houses of worship are the cowards way. When democrats after the civil war were burning black churches it was wrong burning ANY CHURCH is wrong.

Our Constution give a right to the freedom of relgion and liberal scum suckers would take that away
, and that is just the start of what they would do .
They want to disarm the population , increase taxes to over 90 percent and turn our nation into a a shat hole 3rd world nation . A place where little kids in 1 st grade are indoctrinated into gay and cross dresser life styles , where heroin and coke are legal and illegals can vote , where criminal rights are more important and the police are bad .
I can not express my opinion to cover what I think of people like this and how low on the food chain of humanity they are.
I am not a religious person but support peoples right to it as long as they do not force it , and they have a right to worship as they wish.
As a American I try to support whats right , but there's no way on EARTH burning churches is even in the same ball park its the act of cowardly evil scum who should be jailed for decades, it is a hate crime and a act of terror .
I have no problem with them burning churches or whatever. American is full of low iq godbotherers and fraudulent charlatans who take their money.
Those were the posters exact words as I copied them .
Hes a big Joe Biden supporter and liberal.
Is this what being a liberal has come to ?
How sad and pathetic do you have to be to support this ?
Liberals have become terrorist attempting to attack supreme court justices , burning churches and pro life clinics burning police stations private company's looting .
I have complained about how liberals support such things in numbers not just a few loose screws but in numbers S THE MILLIONS INVOLVED IN BLM AND ANTIFA RIOTS PROVED.
POW WE HAVE a law changed and liberals instead of trying to change the law legally start burning churches as if its their fault or pro life clinics . Yes attaching houses of worship are the cowards way. When democrats after the civil war were burning black churches it was wrong burning ANY CHURCH is wrong.

Our Constution give a right to the freedom of relgion and liberal scum suckers would take that away
, and that is just the start of what they would do .
They want to disarm the population , increase taxes to over 90 percent and turn our nation into a a shat hole 3rd world nation . A place where little kids in 1 st grade are indoctrinated into gay and cross dresser life styles , where heroin and coke are legal and illegals can vote , where criminal rights are more important and the police are bad .
I can not express my opinion to cover what I think of people like this and how low on the food chain of humanity they are.
I am not a religious person but support peoples right to it as long as they do not force it , and they have a right to worship as they wish.
As a American I try to support whats right , but there's no way on EARTH burning churches is even in the same ball park its the act of cowardly evil scum who should be jailed for decades, it is a hate crime and a act of terror .
Do you feel better now? That enema has certainly be regurgitated through your mouth.

Try to do what's right? Like ridiculing with lies about Biden and democrats? Supporting trumps takeover of the capital? Perpetuating the fraud case about the election. Yet you question the the integrity of me?? Dont make me vomit.
Do you feel better now? That enema has certainly be regurgitated through your mouth.

Try to do what's right? Like ridiculing with lies about Biden and democrats? Supporting trumps takeover of the capital? Perpetuating the fraud case about the election. Yet you question the the integrity of me?? Dont make me vomit.
Yea go ahead and lie . your made because you exposed your self for the heartless liberal terrorist you are. You should be banned for even suggesting it. Also I didnt name you but thanks for doing it yourself.
Now . I will not respond to you directly due the fact I think your scum and support hate crimes and are lower then dog poop. Ypur just the type of liberal looser I talk about here in my posts.
I hope you end up in a prison and brag about wanting churches burned. Reality will hit you then.
Yea go ahead and lie . your made because you exposed your self for the heartless liberal terrorist you are. You should be banned for even suggesting it. Also I didnt name you but thanks for doing it yourself.
Now . I will not respond to you directly due the fact I think your scum and support hate crimes and are lower then dog poop. Ypur just the type of liberal looser I talk about here in my posts.
I hope you end up in a prison and brag about wanting churches burned. Reality will hit you then.
Thank you for your kind words. I dont deserve them so ill pass them on.
wow, OP, you truly are butt hurt. starting a new thread to whine about another poster here? lol
wow, OP, you truly are butt hurt. starting a new thread to whine about another poster here? lol
He hasn't the courage to defend his position. He's just a typical big mouth ignorant republican. But that's ok. I have his measure now and don't worry, he's still watching. He can't help himself.
I do not talk to scum bags who want churches burned no matter the religion and think its ok they are lower then dog shat and nothing but vile low life sub human trash . They have no use in a modern world where people are civilized . They are greedy self serving scum who only think of what they want and like with no self respect for them self or others .
Pure scum , and a embarrassment to the human race .
apparently you DO "talk to" them, since you started a whole thread about them. lol.

you're a always )
I do not talk to scum bags who want churches burned no matter the religion and think its ok they are lower then dog shat and nothing but vile low life sub human trash . They have no use in a modern world where people are civilized . They are greedy self serving scum who only think of what they want and like with no self respect for them self or others .
Pure scum , and a embarrassment to the human race .
I told you couldn't stay away.
You can't help yourself. All your posts are now about denigrating me. Thats a massive contribution to the debate.
I'm not going away so your replies will remain as bile filled venomous diatribes of hate and ignorance.
I do not talk to scum bags who want churches burned no matter the religion and think its ok they are lower then dog shat and nothing but vile low life sub human trash . They have no use in a modern world where people are civilized . They are greedy self serving scum who only think of what they want and like with no self respect for them self or others .
Pure scum , and a embarrassment to the human race .
I do not talk to scum bags who want churches burned no matter the religion and think its ok they are lower then dog shat and nothing but vile low life sub human trash . They have no use in a modern world where people are civilized . They are greedy self serving scum who only think of what they want and like with no self respect for them self or others .
Pure scum , and a embarrassment to the human race .
Yeah we know all that but it doesn't matter. You can repeat it all you like but its more a reference to your intelligence than principles. Of which you have none of both. Youre replies are like a humble tune now..
Have another cry sook. Get dementia central to bring tissues.
apparently you DO "talk to" them, since you started a whole thread about them. lol.

you're a always )
indeed and you are not saying anything about it s either you support it are are to smart enough not to speak your true feelings any way not speaking out and condensing it is about the same as supporting it
indeed and you are not saying anything about it s either you support it are are to smart enough not to speak your true feelings any way not speaking out and condensing it is about the same as supporting it

when you start stupid threads I just make fun of you. Let me know when you actually have a serious, intelligent thread, not a thread about being butthurt about posters here. :)

making fun of you isn't supporting burning churches. duh.