Liberal Bigotry

There are racists in every walk of life. If everyone points fingers at everyone else, nothing gets done. As long as our attitude remains "US V Them", we cannot move forward into a world where race has no meaning. There is only one race - the human race.
There are racists in every walk of life. If everyone points fingers at everyone else, nothing gets done. As long as our attitude remains "US V Them", we cannot move forward into a world where race has no meaning. There is only one race - the human race.

Well Hitler thought of that one first. He said,
One race,Under one flag in one world. Its in this book

Well Hitler thought of that one first. He said,
One race,Under one flag in one world. Its in this book


That's a rather absurd interpretation of what Hitler was saying, and what I was saying. Hitler's one race was unambiguously meant to be the white, or, in his view, the Aryan race, to the exclusion of all others. When I use the term human race, it means ALL human beings. Capiche?

By the way, Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies? You should look it up.
@ Gipper on page 1. post # 1.

Are you implying that our wonderful Progressive neo Marxist government would actually entertain a modified version of the old Jim Crow Laws as a selection criteria for the student body of contemporary American academia?
@ Gipper on page 1. post # 1.

Are you implying that our wonderful Progressive neo Marxist government would actually entertain a modified version of the old Jim Crow Laws as a selection criteria for the student body of contemporary American academia?

No. My post pointed out the bias in higher education against whites. We do not want any bias in higher education. A color blind admission process is what we need, but liberals will not accept this. They think we must limit certain races while promoting others.

Very sick and very racist.
Once again you prove my point. You are just too simple...(aka liberal)

Libs think fairness is discriminating against certain races to benefit other races of Americans. This is the definition of a racist.

Like the racist NAALCP...

Gipper..Do you know why Libs don't like school vouchers (true story lol) it's all on account of a mistake made by - guess who - Ted Kennedy, years ago. One day, he was giving a press conference, and someone asked him about school vouchers. "School vultures?" he said, "Why, they're for the birds." But, as is often the case, he slurred his words (remember, this is the guy who publicly praised "Mike McGwire and Sammy Sooser"), and everyone thought he was talking about vouchers. From that day on, the libs took their cue from Teddy and opposed vouchers. No one heard the staffer standing by his side, as he whispered into the senator's ear: "No, that's vouchers, not vultures." And the rest, as they say, is history. Well...maybe not, but what do you want for nothin'? :-)

But, then there's this, and I discovered this myself, just this morning: did you realize that "liberal" in an anagram for "braille?" And, according to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, "braille" is "a system of writing for the blind." Kind of all makes sense now, doesn't it?

Best Regards