Liberal Bigotry

Incredibly stupid statements.
Please point out how welfare programs are designed for certain races or sex.

The vast majority of people on welfare are not too lazy to work. That is a fact. Can you prove differently?

The programs of which I speak are not welfare programs. They are training programs, school programs, WIC, etc. none of which I have seen are available for men, and most are subject to race, gender, and age.

Now, if they were not too lazy to work then why do we need so many illegals to do the jobs "Americans will not, or cannot, do?
The programs of which I speak are not welfare programs. They are training programs, school programs, WIC, etc.
Then why did you say this:
"Go to any welfare office, and see which races the programs are designed for, or which sex." Training programs, school programs are not handled by the welfare office and they cannot be biased against any race for sex by law. Also, although WIC stands for Women, Infants, and Children, a single man with a child/infant would qualify, no matter what his race.

none of which I have seen are available for men, and most are subject to race, gender, and age.
Several different training programs have been available to men. Included those for workers who have lost their jobs due to downsizing etc. For example, "Michigan Works" retraining and work readiness program.
You are shooting your mouth off about something you know nothing about.

Now, if they were not too lazy to work then why do we need so many illegals to do the jobs "Americans will not, or cannot, do?

Inner city chronically unemployed generally do not have automobiles to travel to the stoop labor farms in the farmland. Do you expect the inner city unemployed in Detroit, Chicago, New York, to travel to the California farm land? Whereas the Mexicans show up packed into trucks. Also, unemployed Americans with children could not work for such a low wage due to the price of living here...they and their children would just starve slower, whereas, the single Mexicans send their money back to Mexico where it is worth a lot more than here. If the work paid a good living wage, the workers would flock to the work sights, just as they do to Alaska for the fishing season.
That's not true! quit being a liar.

Nations have gone down since blacks acquired RULE of them. Want to dispute that?

Since everything is about race with you, you are hereby deemed an honorary black man. You obviously don't like being white and think that your race is a bunch of horrible, RACIST (unlike you) people. Don't let the white door hit you in the ass....Lol.

Hey pockets, was the guy that shot up his fellow workers because he was fired by "racists", not because he was a THIEF....a friend of yours? vindicate anything for ya?

first , sarcasm, look it up
2nd yes some have fallen back when blacks have taken power...unlike you I don;t think the color of there skin was the reason....
Many if not most have a specific professionally diagnosed & documented physical injury or mental issue.

Evidence please.

Most all of the others have children under 3 years old and would earn such low income at a job that they might get that they could not afford to pay even the lowest of bills and also pay for childcare to do so.

So.... what does that say about the intellect or morality or selfishness of a woman who has kids that she knows she can't afford....and then has more.

Perhaps you truly believe that people strive to live on just a medical card & food stamps.

So.... what does that say about the intellect or morality or selfishness of a woman who has kids that she knows she can't afford....and then has more. ( It worked TWICE).
Not a pity party doll. All the libs have jumped ship because their savior is such a joke. I wish they would come back. I'm hungry...Lol.

BTW: Just because someone isn't a bleeding heart liberal doesn't make them so "right wing". Such a limited vocabulary. You should work on that.