This thread was supposed to be how raising taxes helps create jobs. Of course there is no evidence to validate this. And there never will be because it can't happen.
So talking about health care is not valid. Is it a problem, yes, but so are all the crooked people in politics and business.~says Chestnut
Yeah right, and I've got some oceanfront property in AZ to sell you. "McCain Realty" is offering it for sale..![]()
There is one "tax" that will create jobs: mandatory low healthcare premium. And I've already explained it in detail. Ask any empolyer why they outsource...any one...go ahead, just ask. What you will find is that they cannot afford american employees. They cannot afford them because of soaring healthcare premiums and higher minimum wages.
People need higher minimum wages to pay health care premiums that their employer (via tricks like setting hours under 30/week to avoid having to provide health insurance) won't provide them because of cost. So the whole friggn' nightmare is because of lack of socialized health care.
You remove that nightmare by providing guaranteed and almost-free health coverage for the masses in exchange for lowering the minimum wage and you'll find more jobs than you can shake a stick at. Penalize outsourcing and you'll find even more..
We have a socialized military because not being physically protected as a nation is foolhardy. (should we each hire our own armed guard?) We therefore should have socialized access to healthcare because not being physically protected as a nation is foolhardy.
And again, we are now living the fruition of no healthcare. It is the core of exactly why at least one tax will help return jobs and stimulate the economy. If you don't like taxes, then just call the premium an investment, like Social Security that also is mandatorily removed from your paycheck. Do we tell old people to piss off and die because they are no longer productive? Then why tell the sick the same thing?
Challenge met.
I wonder...just musing here...
I wonder if in all the people who have died as a result of claims adjusters from mega-insurers denying certain coverage...of all those people...and there are many...I wonder if one of them was on par with Albert Einstein?
I mean...imagine the blunder..heh...allowing Albert Einstein to perish because he fell behind on paying his premiums or they decided to discontinue coverage of a vital medicine he needed to stay alive?![]()
Nah...probably of the thousands (millions? Hard to keep track really..) who have died as a direct result of being sheisted by the mega-insurers...they probably all dropped out of highschool.. But wait? Didn't Einstein struggle in school too??
Hmmm.... What precious resources are falling by the wayside by not covering humanity's most basic need?: good health.. get it. You want to save the babies, just not give them full educational opportunities or healthcare once they get past the cute stage and start growing backhair?
Hypocrites don't impress me. I nailed it. Health care tax would create jobs in the US and not in insignificant numbers either.
Challenge met.
They should demand nothing. If they don't like who they work for they can change jobs.~chestnut
"If they have no bread, let them eat cake."