lets look at the fruit of the liberal school system

I stated the FACTS, all you have are insults, you make yourself look like a fool, not me.
You stated that trump wears diapers and got a lap dance from his daughter and that all the men in Vietnam were illiterate and from hick towns . You claimed there could not be combustion with out oxygen You claimed there are America politicians telling us to kill people in Gaza, please tell us who they are? and that America military was killing them So we must have men on the ground Along with man bother claim that are bull shat .
Such as Australia is not a nanny state ,https://contentedtraveller.com/australia-nanny-state/ I can go on if you like . Like I said with you as a example of teachers and higher education from the liberal perspective then it explains why gen z is so stupid.
You stated that trump wears diapers and got a lap dance from his daughter and that all the men in Vietnam were illiterate and from hick towns . You claimed there could not be combustion with out oxygen You claimed there are America politicians telling us to kill people in Gaza, please tell us who they are? and that America military was killing them So we must have men on the ground Along with man bother claim that are bull shat .
Such as Australia is not a nanny state ,https://contentedtraveller.com/australia-nanny-state/ I can go on if you like . Like I said with you as a example of teachers and higher education from the liberal perspective then it explains why gen z is so stupid.
No, I did not say that.
There is a photo of Trump and Ivanka doing what looks like a lap dance and I posted it. I said that by the time of Kent State and Jackson State, most of the troops that Nixon was able to recruit were from hicktowns in the South. here was already a name for this: "MacNamara's Morons".

MacNamara KNEW that Vietnam could not be won. He said so privately. Then he sent thousands of patriotic hicks off to die in a totally futile cause.

I did not say that the US has troops on the ground in Gaza.
"Nanny state" is a dumb phrase. I think that Australians do have government health care for everyone. They ban the sale of military weapons to civilians. Australians do what the US should do: REQUIRE that everyone vote or pay a fine for not voting.
I think that in many ways, Australia is better governed than the US, Certainly better governed than when the GOP is in charge.

I do not think that gen z s stupid, It has smart people and ignorant ones.
No, I did not say that.
There is a photo of Trump and Ivanka doing what looks like a lap dance and I posted it. I said that by the time of Kent State and Jackson State, most of the troops that Nixon was able to recruit were from hicktowns in the South. here was already a name for this: "MacNamara's Morons".

MacNamara KNEW that Vietnam could not be won. He said so privately. Then he sent thousands of patriotic hicks off to die in a totally futile cause.

I did not say that the US has troops on the ground in Gaza.
"Nanny state" is a dumb phrase. I think that Australians do have government health care for everyone. They ban the sale of military weapons to civilians. Australians do what the US should do: REQUIRE that everyone vote or pay a fine for not voting.
I think that in many ways, Australia is better governed than the US, Certainly better governed than when the GOP is in charge.

I do not think that gen z s stupid, It has smart people and ignorant ones.
Yes you did say he got a lap dance from her do not lie. No you did not saw we had troops on the ground but said we were killing them.we are not .and yes Australia is considered a nanny state it's very socialist and has a lot of commies in it from China m
Yes gen z has smart one and dumb one but it seems from m what I have seen and remember I work for a school they lack common knowledge and common sense.
I think the vids prove there is a problem as 20 percent think the Holocaust didn't happen. Sure looks like you did a great job .
Yes you did say he got a lap dance from her do not lie. No you did not saw we had troops on the ground but said we were killing them.we are not .and yes Australia is considered a nanny state it's very socialist and has a lot of commies in it from China m
Yes gen z has smart one and dumb one but it seems from m what I have seen and remember I work for a school they lack common knowledge and common sense.
I think the vids prove there is a problem as 20 percent think the Holocaust didn't happen. Sure looks like you did a great job .
My job was not to teach the Holocaust, I taught Spanish. I never claimed that the Holocaust did not happen, that would be dumb being as there are extensive photographs and other records.

I really doubt that the Chinese are running the Australian Communist Party.
There are nine parliamentary parties, usually organized into two factions: the Liberals and Labour.

Hillary is history. She SHOULD have been president.
She would have handled Covid far better than the ignorant, lying Trump.
I bet she would have worn a mask even if it smeared her makeup.

Not so Trump. Fool wears pancake makeup every day.
And just LOOK AT HIM. He is withering into an unkempt mass of wrinkles.
Hillary should have been president.
Kerry should have been president.
Gore should have been president.
Dukakis should have been president
Jimmy Carter should have been a two term president.
George McGovern should have been president
Hubert Humphrey should have been president.
I am thinking that Stevenson was a better choice than Eisenhower as well.
Hillary should have been president.
Kerry should have been president.
Gore should have been president.
Dukakis should have been president
Jimmy Carter should have been a two term president.
George McGovern should have been president
Hubert Humphrey should have been president.
I am thinking that Stevenson was a better choice than Eisenhower as well.
Of course. And Hitler should have won the war, the Jews should have been exterminated, Bush should never have won the presidency, Christians should have never been allowed to talk to people about Jesus, and so forth.