No, dear, I am not attacking you personally. You just happen to be on, and to have made the "generic" idiot comments that are typical to the extreme right who control this forum.
I have no more interest in "attacking you" than I do in this forum, really. YOU as a person, are a moot point for me. You do not exist, except as a member of a group of radicals who have their head so far up their asses that I find them ridiculous.
No, NO ONE knows how the election will end up on Nov. 6th. But we already know that the "dream" of the tea party is gone. That no matter who wins this election, they will NOT win a President that will cater to their idiotic idea of bringing America back 50 years!
So. . .although I would still prefer for President Obama to win, because at least he is honest and he STANDS for something, I think it would be fine if Romney wins. . .because you guys deserve what you will get: a NOBODY President, who is afraid of speaking up about his REAL policies, and will just be a straw man for special interest. . . .and since ONE THING he will want more than anything else is to be a two terms president, and since he is not stupid (he may have no integrity, and no backbone, but he is not stupid), he already KNOWS that he will have to give in to the Democrats to have even a little chance to be re-elected in 2016. . .so IF HE GETS ELECTED, he will move even further Left than he has done since he won the primaries.
So. . .no matter how you want to look at it. .. your bunch of delusional losers LOSE!