Let's All Predict the Outcome on November 6th

With an election this close, it is certain we will see a repeat of the Bush-Gore fiasco of election 2000. Recounts, chads, and Supreme Court decisions.

The US Constitution says the "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors,... shall be appointed an Elector." A popular, direction election of the Electoral College by the people was not intended. There is no provision for "majority vote takes all all electoral votes."

I kind of like the idea of going to the polling booth and voting for one person, whose opinion I respect, to be on the Electoral College and let that person choose the president. Somebody like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates seem like wise people, not particularly involved with politics. People like them can represent me in the Electoral College and we would probably get somebody better for president than either Romney or Obama.

and your quote is what happened all those years ago.

you really need to rethink Buffett & Gates.
Buffett & Gates are the first two people who jump to mind with names that people might recognize. In my area I can think of several "wise old men" whose name may be known locally (maybe me for example:eek:). The concept being to find a group of people for the Electoral College who are not linked to the Washington Beltway. In fact, the Constitution goes on to say " no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

Unfortunately, when you have political parties and winner takes all, suddenly the Beltway is in the middle of the process and the appointed delegates to the Electoral College are mere pawns to pull a lever. That's not what the Constitution intended.

I'm a little down on how our Democracy is evolving these days, in case you didn't notice.
Buffett & Gates are the first two people who jump to mind with names that people might recognize. In my area I can think of several "wise old men" whose name may be known locally (maybe me for example:eek:). The concept being to find a group of people for the Electoral College who are not linked to the Washington Beltway. In fact, the Constitution goes on to say " no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

Unfortunately, when you have political parties and winner takes all, suddenly the Beltway is in the middle of the process and the appointed delegates to the Electoral College are mere pawns to pull a lever. That's not what the Constitution intended.

I'm a little down on how our Democracy is evolving these days, in case you didn't notice.

Maybe T. Boone Pickens instead of the strange man called "Bill Gates".
Yea, he's a smart guy. My point is our system has come up with two, fairly mediocre, candidates for President. It's broken. If T.Boone Pickens were on the ballot Tue., I would vote for him in a heartbeat. Why can't we get people like him into the Oval Office? Suddenly our system would be a lot more efficient.
Might just be wishful thinking but I think Romney takes it with over 300 electoral votes even with the dead democrats voting.

I know of no one who did not vote for obama last time but wants to vote for him this time but hundreds if not thousands who said they voted for him last time but wont vote for him this time. Dems are included in that.

So even though I dont like Dick Morris, Im thinking he is right

Republican Busted for Trying to Vote Twice​

November 04, 2012 01:45 PM EST​
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comments: 1

Nevada republican voter Roxanne Rubin was arrested on Friday after she allegedly tried to vote twice—becoming one of the first people to reportedly commit voter fraud in this historic election. It seems that all of those voter suppression laws on the GOP's side should reflect more on the activities of their own voter base—and not the disenfranchised Americans they are targeting.

Ruben was escorted out of the Riviera in cuffs on Friday, a couple of days after the reported incident where she had tried to vote twice in the same election for Mitt Romney. Taking advantage of early voting, the republican voter triggered an alert when her name showed up on the database when she attempted to vote twice in the same day at two different Las Vegas locations.
It's reported that there doesn't appear to be any conspiracy involved in this attempt, meaning it's an isolated incident. Though it's probably safe to say that Roxanne Rubin isn't the only republican voter taking drastic measures at the ballot boxes. After all, the conservatives appear to be the ones so desperately wanting Obama out of the White House, and in the case of this Nevada voter it seems that those drastic measures include committing felony crimes whiledrawing negative attention to the entire party.
The woman claims that the database is mistaken, but judging by the reaction of officials in this case, that just doesn't seem likely. The state of Nevada is cracking down on voter fraud, and it's refreshing to see that the people being caught for committing this crime are none other than those in support of suppression laws.
Photo: Las Vegas Sun
Perhaps allah--not God.
He has thrown him out of America--in his opinion anyway.
November 6th--we thrown Him back in.
America is a Christian nation.

BTW--Obama does not care whatsoever for the poor--he just knows how to buy their votes.

I see you guys are still spewing your crazy theories and you are enjoying your delusions. . .good for you!

Enjoy them while they last! LOL
Yea, he's a smart guy. My point is our system has come up with two, fairly mediocre, candidates for President. It's broken. If T.Boone Pickens were on the ballot Tue., I would vote for him in a heartbeat. Why can't we get people like him into the Oval Office? Suddenly our system would be a lot more efficient.

The system is anathema to anyone with a shred of decency or self-respect.
It will be hard to remove the Hollywoodization from the process.
That is how we got the "Dancing Minstrel" in office today.
A disgrace of Apocalyptic Dimension.
The system is anathema to anyone with a shred of decency or self-respect.
It will be hard to remove the Hollywoodization from the process.
That is how we got the "Dancing Minstrel" in office today.
A disgrace of Apocalyptic Dimension.

Apparently, AT LEAST 50% of people thinks YOU"RE WRONG! LOL
Honestly, I am not going to have the slightest feeling of joy on Wed. morning no matter what happens .... Romney looks like he could be a "Dancing Minstrel" too.. except he probably can't dance:rolleyes:.
Tell me about that next Wednesday morning.
Thank you.

Well, you and your little friends have been telling me that Romney would win in a LANDSLIDE for month!

And, if he wins, it is because he had to abandon 95% of what the extreme Right wanted him to do . . .what he had been forced by the Extreme Right and the tea party to run on. . . .

The ONLY WAY he pulled ahead is when he started to abandon all the crazyness of the extreme Right and flipped flopped on most issues. . .including adopting ALL of President Obama's foreign policies stands!

So. . .even if Romney win by a very narrow margin, all you'll get is a center right President, not far removed from where President Obama is. . .except that he is not BLACK and he is NOT HONEST!

No matter what happens on Tuesday, whether Romney wins or loses, THE EXTREME RIGHT HAS LOST!