With an election this close, it is certain we will see a repeat of the Bush-Gore fiasco of election 2000. Recounts, chads, and Supreme Court decisions.
The US Constitution says the "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors,... shall be appointed an Elector." A popular, direction election of the Electoral College by the people was not intended. There is no provision for "majority vote takes all all electoral votes."
I kind of like the idea of going to the polling booth and voting for one person, whose opinion I respect, to be on the Electoral College and let that person choose the president. Somebody like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates seem like wise people, not particularly involved with politics. People like them can represent me in the Electoral College and we would probably get somebody better for president than either Romney or Obama.
and your quote is what happened all those years ago.
you really need to rethink Buffett & Gates.