I think you need to more specific with your adjectives. Murderous and deceptive are criminal activities. I suppose you could find people in all walks of life that are capable of committing these crimes - certainly not exclusive to capitalists.
I can understand where ruthless and unethical are descriptive terms that can apply to either a capitalist, communist, or dictator. I don't believe that a person who functions in a particular economic system is condemned to being good or bad. I can could cite examples of both a ruthless capitalist, and a ruthless communist. Just because I can find an anecdotal example of one unethical person does not condemn the entire group~Hobo
Good points. I should have clarified. Let me do so here.
Human waste is human waste and decent beings are decent beings, no matter what the political beliefs. So why then attach such diabolical attributes to communists? See, it works both ways..
That being said, if you really think about what communism actually is, instead of some draconian 1950s scare-tactic buzzword, you realize in its true meaning, it is about distributing wealth more fairly. Or as the christians like to call it "being thy brother's keeper".
Capitalism (nowadays) on the other hand is literally the opposite. It is paying so much attention to profit, hoarding and the bottom line, that thy brother is not only ignored more often than not, but also exploited in the name of profiteering.
Now, the only thing that makes capitalism palitable was that in the old days people still had moral scruples. In other words, they went to church and didn't just warm the pew...they reinvested in their communities, they gave to charity. In that sense capitialism is the greatest thing ever.
But we don't see that so much nowadays do we? Capitalism has divorced itself from morality. And when that happens, ruthlessness sets in and all manner of evil is propogated in the name of "the bottom line".
That is why this depression will be much much worse...the very cause of it is ruthless capitalism on crack.. Sheister investing practices, outsourcing american jobs to foreign slave-factories...all for the paramount of ideals: the bottom line. So the system, predictably, without morality, has folded in on itself. The dragon has finally finished the last of its tail. And this depression will be bad because in the other big one, people still went to church, believed in a God and had basic compassion for their fellows. My own grandfather worked three jobs, had very little for his own family but still managed to feed the Hobos (ironic that that is your name) that would stop by the door asking for a piece of bread or some soup.
That isn't likely to be the case with the "bottom-line" generation I'm afraid..and there are so very much more of us nowadays thinking like this. Also, people back then knew how to grow food, or at least their brother or father or mother did. Ever butchered your own chicken or ground your own cornmeal? No? That is what wil be the horror of horrors this time around...the inability to care for oneself, even the most basic necessities of providing food for the table.
Bedlam awaits in the cities if things really go south.. There are only so many meals of alley (or neighbor's) cat stew per person before they start turning on each other. Hopefully it won't come to that. Let's hear it for capitalism without morality!