They tried that in the Netherlands. Didn't work so good there.
You can also do a search on drug laws. Damn near destroyed Amsterdam.
Didn't work so good there? U obviously don't know what you're talking about.
I can say that because I come from the Netherlands, so I think I my understanding of our drug "problem" is a little bit better then yours.
The fact is, in the Netherlands there are about 30.000 people addicted to things like heroine, cocaine, speed, the junkies. That's less then 0,2% of our population.
On the other hand 2.7 million people (17%) ever tried marihuana or still smoke it today.
0,2% not to bad huh? Google says that's 1% in the USA.
5 times more junkies in the USA then in Holland. So why?
I'll give u 1 reason; I'm smoking this stuff for 16 years now and I've seen ALLOT of coffeeshops and met with allot of good and when I was younger a few dangerous people.
But u know what? I have never ever seen heroin in my live.
Crack? There is no crack in Holland.
I've used coke 3 times in my live and if I wanna buy it, it goes through a person who knows a person who knows a person.
U don't just buy that crap on ever corner of the street like in the USA (excuse my exaggeration).
We a have our nice coffeeshops and they sell marihuana, and that's it.
Good enough for The people, hard drugs not wanted.
That's no different for The people in the USA. About 17% (could be higher) smoke or have smoked pot.
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