Leftist rag admits billionaire Biden supporters are financing pro-Hamas riots on college campuses

LIAR! More scent of yet more flaming trouser!
Trump has N E V E R released any of his tax returns. Only one was leaked to the press. One in which he paid less than $750.
You are the liar! The killer! You have let what is happening now! Not Trump! You remember that one day when you get shit for help to wipe your ass as an old person that today’s kids can care less about! They work for just the check not to help! Our generation cares! You sir will remember my words one day and when you do, smile!
{sounds of retching at the thought that you, a simple-minder hateful Trumpling yokel care about anyone]

Trump has NEVER released a single tax return other than one that claimed he paid only $750.
{sounds of retching at the thought that you, a simple-minder hateful Trumpling yokel care about anyone]

Trump has NEVER released a single tax return other than one that claimed he paid only $750.
I do not hate! You do not know me!
Trump is a billionaire status. Unlike maybe Bush, other Presidents were not wealthy! Until after they were a President became wealthy! Hmmm!
Businesses have a way of report losses! As in his golf courses, hotels, apartments etc, they take a loss which Trump has admitted anyone took advantage of losses that our GOVERNMENT allowed! Trump stated that to ALL!
Ask any business owner who does NOT do that. You would not know that of course! Ask anyone that has a business! If you do not understand that, I’m sorry!
How stupid does a person have to be to lose money on a CASINO?
As stupid as Trump.

And you want him to run our country after he proved he was incapable of dealing with Covid and turned the White House into a very bad reality show?

You think people with "billionaire status" are somehow entitled to get away without paying taxes like the rest of us?
You are truly an imbecile.
How stupid does a person have to be to lose money on a CASINO?
As stupid as Trump.

And you want him to run our country after he proved he was incapable of dealing with Covid and turned the White House into a very bad reality show?

You think people with "billionaire status" are somehow entitled to get away without paying taxes like the rest of us?
You are truly an imbecile.
You are so lost. Yes bankruptcy he has been through! Covid is being proven a shit dhow by the liars that have made millions on it, including Fauci! Insurance companies! Who in the hell do you think paid for the “free” covid tests through insurance companies which pharmacies pushed them on customers? Who? I guess you think the new vaccine is the “third” booster? Lol! Right! Guess what the pharmacies are told to do! Fauci’s case and the email will soon come out after election!
Cuomo trying yo blame Trump as well! Cuomo killed those people in nursing homes! They did not want to spend the money! I know that for a fact! They did not care about old people! New York, Louisiana, etc. Look it up!
Trump was in for four years. If you think Biden has done well, well vote for Harris! And good luck! Her moment in time! Her vision! Her cause!
The team Trump had in his term, they were fired! Why? Why did he go bankrupt at that casino and when?
The democrats will destroy America! They are blaming corporate! Look at the ports today! They are starting to strike! Who will that affect? And why? Do you understand me? Nope! And you want because you think like Harris! It’s not a bloodbath for America, it’s a bloodbath for the American production and supply and demand! Why?
Why not examine the exact transcript before making up your mind?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides — I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either.

And if you reported it accurately, you would say.

Q The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest —

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group.

Q (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did.

You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

Q George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same.

THE PRESIDENT: George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down —

Excuse me, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?

Q I do love Thomas Jefferson.

THE PRESIDENT: Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?

So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.

Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group.
I now feel vindicated as usual.
Trump is one of them. He pays zero taxes and expects subsidies for his building projects, like those he got after 9-11.
Before the 2012 election dishonest dummass democrats falsely claimed Ronmeny paid no taxes but they were lying and they knew it. After the election they bragged that they had helped Obama win with their lies. Democrat dummasses tried that trick in 2016, even goin g so far as to illegally steal a copy of Trump's tax returns. A gloating Rachel Maddow bragged about being given the stolen tax returns but when she showcased Trump's returns on air she was horribly rebuked because the tax returns proved Trump had paid millions in fair taxes.

I receive a comfortable social security check each month because of the large amount of social security taxes I paid through 50 years of wage earning.
LIAR! More scent of yet more flaming trouser!
Trump has N E V E R released any of his tax returns. Only one was leaked to the press. One in which he paid less than $750.
Rachel Maddow bragged about getting her hands on an illegal copy of Trump's tax returns. Trump paid more than $35 million in taxes that year. Rachel could hardly hide her disappointment and embarassment at the rebuke of long-rulling false democrat claims about Trump's taxes.

How stupid does a person have to be to lose money on a CASINO?
As stupid as Trump.

And you want him to run our country after he proved he was incapable of dealing with Covid and turned the White House into a very bad reality show?

You think people with "billionaire status" are somehow entitled to get away without paying taxes like the rest of us?
You are truly an imbecile.
At least Trump knows how to manage money which is something the mythological government golden goose-worshipping democrats know very little about.
You are so lost. Yes bankruptcy he has been through! Covid is being proven a shit dhow by the liars that have made millions on it, including Fauci! Insurance companies! Who in the hell do you think paid for the “free” covid tests through insurance companies which pharmacies pushed them on customers? Who? I guess you think the new vaccine is the “third” booster? Lol! Right! Guess what the pharmacies are told to do! Fauci’s case and the email will soon come out after election!
Cuomo trying yo blame Trump as well! Cuomo killed those people in nursing homes! They did not want to spend the money! I know that for a fact! They did not care about old people! New York, Louisiana, etc. Look it up!
Trump was in for four years. If you think Biden has done well, well vote for Harris! And good luck! Her moment in time! Her vision! Her cause!
The team Trump had in his term, they were fired! Why? Why did he go bankrupt at that casino and when?
The democrats will destroy America! They are blaming corporate! Look at the ports today! They are starting to strike! Who will that affect? And why? Do you understand me? Nope! And you want because you think like Harris! It’s not a bloodbath for America, it’s a bloodbath for the American production and supply and demand! Why?
What I understand is that you are ignorant and stupid. Trump built the biggest casino ever n Atlantic City and managed it very poorly. Everyone in the casino business told him that there was not an adequate customer base for a casino in Atlantic City, which is a dark, cold and damp place compared to sunny Las Vegas. And of course, Las Vegas enjoys a huge number of people from China and overseas Chinese. Atlantic City is another six hours or more away.

Trump is a failure as a businessman, he was a failure as a president, and he will be a failure as the dictator he longs to be.

What I understand is that you are ignorant and stupid. Trump built the biggest casino ever n Atlantic City and managed it very poorly. Everyone in the casino business told him that there was not an adequate customer base for a casino in Atlantic City, which is a dark, cold and damp place compared to sunny Las Vegas. And of course, Las Vegas enjoys a huge number of people from China and overseas Chinese. Atlantic City is another six hours or more away.

Trump is a failure as a businessman, he was a failure as a president, and he will be a failure as the dictator he longs to be.

People learn from their mistakes and failures in life! I guess you gave never made any bad decisions in your lifetime or a business deal that went bad! Trump is not hurting and has learned and gotten wealthier from that point! Clintons, Obama, Biden got rich off of US and still are. Go ahead and criticize Trump! It tells me the life you live by backing Biden and life you want with Harris!

And that’s not even golf courses etc! Move on! His sons and daughter run his companies! He released them to them to run! They are not hurting! Trump did not take his salary as President!

I’ll add the golf courses!



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Rachel Maddow bragged about getting her hands on an illegal copy of Trump's tax returns. Trump paid more than $35 million in taxes that year. Rachel could hardly hide her disappointment and embarassment at the rebuke of long-rulling false democrat claims about Trump's taxes.

Thank you Mark! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
What I understand is that you are ignorant and stupid. Trump built the biggest casino ever n Atlantic City and managed it very poorly. Everyone in the casino business told him that there was not an adequate customer base for a casino in Atlantic City, which is a dark, cold and damp place compared to sunny Las Vegas. And of course, Las Vegas enjoys a huge number of people from China and overseas Chinese. Atlantic City is another six hours or more away.

Trump is a failure as a businessman, he was a failure as a president, and he will be a failure as the dictator he longs to be.

And you are the people that others talk about. You believe that he is a dictator! Look up the interview! He would dictate the first day with executive orders! But you sir are a fool!
No president does ANYTHING on his first day in office, other than get himself sworn in. There are speeches to give and parties and such.

Trump has been told by the Supreme Court that he can break any law his sticky black heart can think of. He seems to have used his presidency for conning Egyptian dictator Al Sissi out of ten million dollars and Kim Jung Un out of two million. Trump's leadership style is pretty much along the lines of a Mafioso capo di tutti capi. Trump is a thief and a total ratbastard.