Leftist Racism & Indoctrination

Because the Americans attacked the Soviet Union and enforced State capitalism Stalin had to imprison many to disempower the working class. The American's masters waste money as if there were tomorrow for the same reason, obviously. Why do you ask?

America attacked the USSR huh... with what battle unicorns ?
Because the Americans attacked the Soviet Union and enforced State capitalism Stalin had to imprison many to disempower the working class.

The Americans attacked the Soviet Union and enforced state capitalism? Gee, I must have missed that history lesson.

The American's masters waste money as if there were tomorrow for the same reason, obviously. Why do you ask?

I won't argue with that. :)
America has more people in prison than any country in history, and far more than were in Stalin's gulags, and more illiterates writing nonsense too, because their masters like to keep them thinking their parroted 'opinion' matter. The Neanderthals were very bright people who failed, like Americans, to adjust to a changed reality, so they died out. You are having rather too long a wake, if you ask me. Bad taste!

Again you fail to make an argument or debate the issues at hand. Just more American hatred and calling us dumb.

Maybe you could answer this question...what proof do you have that Neanderthals were bright?
America attacked the USSR huh... with what battle unicorns ?

Learn some history, kid. The USA sent one of the 18 armies that attacked the Soviet Union at the end of the First War, but that is one of the very many matters you are not allowed to know about over there in 'freedom'.
Again you fail to make an argument or debate the issues at hand. Just more American hatred and calling us dumb.

Maybe you could answer this question...what proof do you have that Neanderthals were bright?

They didn't live in America, surely?
JPRD 25 May 2013

The US government in the forms of the FBI and DOJ make it almost impossible to evaluate interracial crime IF the offenders are black. Nevertheless, data do exist if one looks for them, is able to interpret them, and then performs the calculations needed to analyze them. There is one "Table" in particular, Table #42, that's kept by The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). That table provides data on the race of victims, and the race of offenders for various forms of crime. Even that Table, however, attempts to "hide" the statistics by including some as total numbers and others as percentages. Only by adjusting the percentages into actual numbers can one understand the extent and nature of interracial crime. It's interesting to note that whereas Table #42 was included regularly on the BJS website for more than ten years straight, no data has been added in those Table since...... 2007! Coincidence?

There are three (3) categories of "Violent" crime that stand out in BJS Table #42. Those categories are "Completed Violence", "Forcible Rape/Sexual Assault", and "Assault" (both Simple & Aggravated). How often have we heard leftwing black AND white race-baiters claim that whites abuse blacks??? Too many to count. The leftwing race-baiters blame Whites for everything, demonizing whites in the minds of black citizens. These race-baiting demagogues are responsible for what's become an all-out epidemic of hatred and violence perpetrated by blacks against whites. The race-baiting leftists have virtually Justified such violence! WHAT are the real Facts about interracial crime?

I researched the three categories of violent crime listed above. I used the four most-recent years for which data exist, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Following are the averages of those interracial crimes:

COMPLETED VIOLENCE: Whites committed such crimes against blacks 3.1% of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, committed that crime against whites 44.8% of the time.

FORCIBLE RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT: Whites committed such crimes against blacks 0% of the time. That means that less than ten cases were committed each year between 2004-2007, and could not even be quantified as a percentage. During those same years, blacks committed such crimes against whites 58% of the time. Blacks committed these crimes more against whites than against those of their own race! Before some race-baiting leftist tells us that white women asked to be sexually abused by blacks, they should consider the fact that a good number of such assaults resulted in the beating, torture, and death of the white females!!! Black racists view the rape of white females to be a "Corrective Crime", aimed at punishing whites for the perceived abuse of blacks!

ASSAULT: Whites committed such crimes against blacks 4.1% of the time. Blacks committed assaults against whites 46% of the time.

The 2 conclusions drawn from these statistics are clear. (1) Whites commit violent crimes against blacks less than 5% of the time. (2) Blacks commit violent crimes against whites virtually 50% of the time. Many blacks specifically target white people for violence! Whites seldom target blacks for violence these days, and haven't for a LONG TIME!

Those who espouse the LIE about "black-on-black" violence are misleading us. Blacks commit violence against those of their own race about 1/2 of the time. Whites, on the other hand, commit violence against whites 95% of the time. Conclusion? The safest place for any black citizen to be is with WHITE citizens! They stand almost no chance of being the target of violence!
'The 2 conclusions drawn from these statistics are clear. (1) Whites commit violent crimes against blacks less than 5% of the time. (2) Blacks commit violent crimes against whites virtually 50% of the time. Many blacks specifically target white people for violence! Whites seldom target blacks for violence these days, and haven't for a LONG TIME! '

But they did so much when they were at it that it will take two thousand years or so to catch up, surely?
'The 2 conclusions drawn from these statistics are clear. (1) Whites commit violent crimes against blacks less than 5% of the time. (2) Blacks commit violent crimes against whites virtually 50% of the time. Many blacks specifically target white people for violence! Whites seldom target blacks for violence these days, and haven't for a LONG TIME! '

But they did so much when they were at it that it will take two thousand years or so to catch up, surely?

Are you trying to JUSTIFY black violence against whites? That violence is happening today, not one-hundred or more years ago. Corrective-crime seems to be what you're advocating. Additionally, white Americans have only be around for 237 years, not 2,000 years. There weren't many if any white Europeans in sub-Saharan Africa 2,000 years ago.

The ONLY nation on earth where blacks have achieved great accomplishments is the USA. How many black Americans do you think would prefer living in Africa? I suspect there are as many as there are white Americans who'd prefer to move back to Europe.

There is NO justification for committing violence against human beings who never caused you any harm. Many of us white Americans had ancestors who actively pursued the abolition of slavery! Blacks should be thanking such brother and sister Americans, rather than committing violence against us. The present epidemic of black violence against whites is being ignored, and that in itself is a crime! It's time we Americans begin working together for the benefit of our nation, and eliminate the last vestiges of racist hate!
Racism is a terrible thing. However I suspect it will never be eliminated. The Left needs it to empower them and garner votes.

As Caveman has indicated, some on the Left have no problem with black on white crime because it somehow, in their deluded and distorted minds, is justification for the wrongs of the past. The old truism...two wrongs do not make a right...is not known to some on the left.

Remember the heinous torture and murder of the two white college kids in Tennessee by blood thirsty blacks?..that story has yet to be reported on by the PC infected major media...if the races were reversed, the whole F-ing world would know the story completely. Also..if Zimmerman were black and Trayvon white, few would know of the shooting, because the PC infected liberal controlled media would not report it.

Regarding our government's handling of crime, it is apparent that political correctness has completely infected it. And it must be stated that PC is a left wing policy, which is nothing but utter foolishness (like most things promoted by the Left). PC allows American blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, and other minorities special preferences and protections, not granted to white Americans. So much for color blind justice....
'The 2 conclusions drawn from these statistics are clear. (1) Whites commit violent crimes against blacks less than 5% of the time. (2) Blacks commit violent crimes against whites virtually 50% of the time. Many blacks specifically target white people for violence! Whites seldom target blacks for violence these days, and haven't for a LONG TIME! '

But they did so much when they were at it that it will take two thousand years or so to catch up, surely?

hard as it may be to grasp for you, the experience of most blacks was not that of Kunta Kinte. nor was it vastly different than they experienced on the Dark Continent. and for that maatter not all that different than that of the lower classes in Euro/Scando/Britania back in the day.

if you feel badly for those that were so treated remember they've all been dead for a long time.
hard as it may be to grasp for you, the experience of most blacks was not that of Kunta Kinte. nor was it vastly different than they experienced on the Dark Continent. and for that maatter not all that different than that of the lower classes in Euro/Scando/Britania back in the day.

if you feel badly for those that were so treated remember they've all been dead for a long time.

Yes many on the Left believe that Black Americans are terribly treated in America. Yet, I am willing to bet a great majority of American blacks would never consider living anywhere else...because they know its worse elsewhere.

And it is most hypocritical of the left to cry crocodile tears for Black Americans when the Left says nothing about the high baby murder rate for blacks, which Leftism ardently promotes....and the terrible conditions many blacks suffer in, while living in cities long dominated and controlled by Liberalism...to say nothing of the HARM the War On Poverty (another idiotic leftist policy) has caused Blacks.

The hypocrisy of the left is limitless....
Yes many on the Left believe that Black Americans are terribly treated in America. Yet, I am willing to bet a great majority of American blacks would never consider living anywhere else...because they know its worse elsewhere.

And it is most hypocritical of the left to cry crocodile tears for Black Americans when the Left says nothing about the high baby murder rate for blacks, which Leftism ardently promotes....and the terrible conditions many blacks suffer in, while living in cities long dominated and controlled by Liberalism...to say nothing of the HARM the War On Poverty (another idiotic leftist policy) has caused Blacks.

LBJ had to invent a new slavery to replace the old one that the GOP got rid if. cue the endless list of demiceat sins in this regard...

The hypocrisy of the left is limitless....
Are you trying to JUSTIFY black violence against whites? That violence is happening today, not one-hundred or more years ago. Corrective-crime seems to be what you're advocating. Additionally, white Americans have only be around for 237 years, not 2,000 years. There weren't many if any white Europeans in sub-Saharan Africa 2,000 years ago.

The ONLY nation on earth where blacks have achieved great accomplishments is the USA. How many black Americans do you think would prefer living in Africa? I suspect there are as many as there are white Americans who'd prefer to move back to Europe.

There is NO justification for committing violence against human beings who never caused you any harm. Many of us white Americans had ancestors who actively pursued the abolition of slavery! Blacks should be thanking such brother and sister Americans, rather than committing violence against us. The present epidemic of black violence against whites is being ignored, and that in itself is a crime! It's time we Americans begin working together for the benefit of our nation, and eliminate the last vestiges of racist hate!

You never hear of 'frozen violence'? People remember haw their ancestors were enslaved and murdered, especially when the ancestors of the criminals never stop racist ranting, which seems to be true of a very high proportion of extreme-right Americans. What does anyone owe them? A lynching perhaps?

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