Leftist nanny state fascists have again banned another product the state has decided their citizens should no longer enjoy after decades of freedom

No, the right side of history
Like giving gays equal rights
You hateful mooorons had to be forced into that
Pride power! Wow! Who cares? If you are gay, fine. Trans.. fine. If you want to be called something different, don’t try to be the same! Does not make sense does it? Meaning if you are born a male, you are a man. Gay? You like the same sex. Who cares if you have rights if you are happy about what you are! All of that will always be issues including race and abortion. You know why? Think about it! Pffft!
Pride power! Wow! Who cares? If you are gay, fine. Trans.. fine. If you want to be called something different, don’t try to be the same! Does not make sense does it? Meaning if you are born a male, you are a man. Gay? You like the same sex. Who cares if you have rights if you are happy about what you are! All of that will always be issues including race and abortion. You know why? Think about it! Pffft!
Anti freedom Christians fought against equal rights for gays
There are those who just want democrats to continue the current policies they imagine have brought America into wonderful freedom and prosperity from the dark Trump ages.
Certainly avoiding the hate and anger of Trump is a good thing
What a pathetic narcissist he is