Leftist nanny state fascists have again banned another product the state has decided their citizens should no longer enjoy after decades of freedom

These fascist dictators with their tyrannical edicts are democrats, not republicans.

Monday, September 23rd 2024

Newsom signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores
Is that how you judge a party suitAble for govt?
Those restrictions are active all over the world now.
You're pathetic.
The plastics industry has been telling us that plastics are recyclable, which is partially true. Publix Supermarkets collect plastic bags at all their stores and at least some of these have been recycled into park benches in local parks. The company hired by Miami-Dade County supplies residents with blue recycling barrels and constantly tell us that that cannot and do not recycle plastic grocery bags, and begs us not to put them in the blue bins.

I do not know what percentage of the bags donated to Publix are recycled. But I always put them in the recycle bin at Publix anyway. I shop only for myself, and in a year, I accumulate enough of these things to compleetly fill a recycle bin. I estimate 40.5 cubic feet of plastic bags.

It turns out that on a national scale, only 8% of plastics are recycled. The other 92% goes into landfills or are incinerated, releasing toxic and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

I get most of my groceries at Aldi's, and bring my own cloth bags, which I normally get at no cost from people having yard sales. When I visit Aldis, I bring a couple of bags along and fill them with my items, rather than push a car around. Lots of people do the same, I have observed. Once I went to a Latino supermarket and did the same thing, and was accosted by some authority person who told me that I must use a cart. I told him that his store did not provide baskets as do Publix and other stores, and I had every intention of paying for everything.

I support Newsome in his lawsuit against Exxon and his banning plastic bags. To those who enjoy using plastic bags, I think they should collect them and bring these with them to the supermarket.
It is not a difficult thing to do, after all.
Americans are divided as to what needs to be done to keep the environment clean. Democrats tend to insist they are right and bulldoze over anyone who disagrees with them like dictatorial fascists.
Nothing dictatorial about it, lying moooron
And yes right wingers often have to be dragged into the right side of history science and freedom
Is that how you judge a party suitAble for govt?
Those restrictions are active all over the world now.
You're pathetic.
As long as there remains considerable disagreement among experts any politician or politicians who move to force American people to submit to their side of the argument without further debate are fascists.
The plastics industry has been telling us that plastics are recyclable, which is partially true. Publix Supermarkets collect plastic bags at all their stores and at least some of these have been recycled into park benches in local parks. The company hired by Miami-Dade County supplies residents with blue recycling barrels and constantly tell us that that cannot and do not recycle plastic grocery bags, and begs us not to put them in the blue bins.

I do not know what percentage of the bags donated to Publix are recycled. But I always put them in the recycle bin at Publix anyway. I shop only for myself, and in a year, I accumulate enough of these things to compleetly fill a recycle bin. I estimate 40.5 cubic feet of plastic bags.

It turns out that on a national scale, only 8% of plastics are recycled. The other 92% goes into landfills or are incinerated, releasing toxic and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

I get most of my groceries at Aldi's, and bring my own cloth bags, which I normally get at no cost from people having yard sales. When I visit Aldis, I bring a couple of bags along and fill them with my items, rather than push a car around. Lots of people do the same, I have observed. Once I went to a Latino supermarket and did the same thing, and was accosted by some authority person who told me that I must use a cart. I told him that his store did not provide baskets as do Publix and other stores, and I had every intention of paying for everything.

I support Newsome in his lawsuit against Exxon and his banning plastic bags. To those who enjoy using plastic bags, I think they should collect them and bring these with them to the supermarket.
It is not a difficult thing to do, after all.
Americans have been using plastics for decades without any significant damage, but modern leftists stricken with irrational environmental fears are doing great damage to businesses, the economy and the freedom of the American people by their fascist mandates and dictates.
Nothing dictatorial about it, lying moooron
And yes right wingers often have to be dragged into the right side of history science and freedom
You got that right. Conservatives have to be forced by fascist leftist imperious dominance to accept insane leftist dictates and mandates.
As long as there remains considerable disagreement among experts any politician or politicians who move to force American people to submit to their side of the argument without further debate are fascists.
You mean like Trump said Americans would never have to vote again. He's forcing that on every American. Is that not fascism?

You're not a deep thinker.
That's diverting. Trump said that and you know it.
That's your future fascist right there dickhead and you won't accept it because he's your choice.
You hypocrite.
What do you think he meant and do you think you cannot be wrong in your interpretation of his meaning? Or are you unwilling to accept any interpretation other than the interpretation you want to accept whether it is right or wrong?
Sadly, Humans are the problem! Sounds stupid? Nope! People speaking of plastic this or that. How many times in congress there are speakers at the mic with water bottles. Hell why not a glass of water? Cases of water on trucks in the heat to transport. Cold drinks, etc.
If the bottle gets warm, what do you think happens? They suggest not to keep your bottled water in the car then drink from it again after. Why do you think?
You ever cook a spaghetti gravy in a magnalite pot? Why so clean from the acid? Where do you think it went?
My opinion, they should have kept using paper bags! It’s about money! 💰 Humans did this!


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What do you think he meant and do you think you cannot be wrong in your interpretation of his meaning?
I am.not wrong and I know what he meant. It's you who won't accept it.

Or are you unwilling to accept any interpretation other than the interpretation you want to accept whether it is right or wrong?
The irony of you suggesting someone misinterprets something. I ping you every week about posting irrelevant shyt.