
No, it only dignifies it in his own mind. What it does is make the board more enjoyable for the rest of us, and makes it a friendlier place for newbies. So this forum is not the ultimate free speech, anything goes, smackdown fest it could be. So what? I've seen some of those boards, and while they may be fun once in a while as a novelty, they grow tiresome fast if you want talk about something honestly or in depth.

Debate IS supposed to be a clash of ideas - hence adversarial in nature. Synthesis can NEVER occur if one does not allow thesis to to collide with anit-thesis.

Besides, your idea of forum 'utopia' is nothing more than a tyranny of like-minds - a stagnant swamp where only disgusting and cowardly creatures would deign to reside.
Debate IS supposed to be a clash of ideas - hence adversarial in nature. Synthesis can NEVER occur if one does not allow thesis to to collide with anit-thesis.

Besides, your idea of forum 'utopia' is nothing more than a tyranny of like-minds - a stagnant swamp where only disgusting and cowardly creatures would deign to reside.

maybe you should be banned too.
I don't think there is a need to be courteous when responding to crap.

A very unpopular contributor. I would be the least likely to become a moderator - hence your stay in this forum is quite secure, if that's what you mean.
so why are you so abrasive?
guess you aren't Rodney King, eh?

debate taken too seriously is not fun. life is short... fun is good.
no abrasion there, eh?
type A people usually have heart attacks.

Well, you didn't actually think I'd let your remark pass without a tit for your tat, did you?

Or do you usually speak with morons who do not know the appropriate reply when told they 'come off as an a$$hole'?
I opened this thread back up due to the emergence of one "DavidHenry". As if the anti-Jew material wasn't enough, I recalled a private message that I received from my friend Segep a couple weeks ago. I hope he doesn't mind me posting but:

"I'd bet my left nut that Lasher is DavidHenry. I owned him so bad on another forum that PM almost makes it certain."

Glad to know that Segep is keeping his left nut. And by the way, vyo, I believe you owe me a case of beer from my prediction of his reincarnation.

As for you Lasher, if you post a sincere apology for "insulting" moderators and members here by referring to them as "Jews" or "Jewboys" and inciting hatred against an entire religion, we might consider re-instituting you. This would come with a few conditions however and you would have to adhere to the forum's written and unwritten rules of conduct:

(1) First -- no attacking other members, especially not moderators. It's okay to attack the message, but not the messenger.

(2) Debate the merits of Israel being a state, etc. but don't just hurl blanket condemnations of an entire religion.

(3) Just like with the 9/11 conspiracists, you have to broaden your horizons a bit. You're not going to be allowed to post thread after thread on why Jews are the bane of existence.

(4) IF we allow you to come back, keep in mind that you will be on very thin ice. If you create an environment that is unpleasant for any of our honored guests, then you do not have a place here. It's fine to argue against Zionism and whatnot, but do it in a civil, intelligent manner. Just calling people who have deconstructed your argument "Jewboy" isn't what we're looking for here. You can take that stuff over to the Ron Paul or Stormfront forums.
I just saw where 9sublime addressed David Henry in another thread. My apologies, but nevertheless, please do heed the warnings I posted. Keep it intelligent and civil.

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