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How you found that place I'll never know....
Seem's like some other highly excitable types are posting there, trying to get "Davids" goat.

What a wasted opportunity. Two points.
1. They can't afford the bandwidth. This means, wait for the 30 day probationary period to end and then start posting long videos, cut and paste the O.E.D. anything big. Antisemetics are usually broke, this is because being non-Jewish, they don't understand how money works. (forgive the joke, but I am an Evil Bastard.)

2. These guys are used to getting yelled at. Don't bother. Hard cases like these need a different approach. Thusly,
A. Agree with everything they say, hell, encourage their hate. Give em' enough rope and they really will hang themselves.(This requires you notify the appropriate agencies first.)
B. Pose as an Islamic Radical.
C. Start a long distance romance with one of these guys, break up when he's jelly in your palm.
D. Pose as a self hating Jew. So you hate Jews, but feel really guilty about it.
E. Class action lawsuit for mental cruelty....and yes, hire a Jewish lawyer

Hahaha, that was good AB. Paste the OED, that's priceless.
I'm just sayin'....

But this may be a good time for someone to post "Springtime For Hitler" from the producers.

Also, I'm still pretty firm in my anti Malta stance.
I like that song...

So, Burr, if I change my name to Alexander Hamilton can we duel so that you can shoot me and thus ruin your political career forever?
It may be one of the funniest movies ever made, and it drives antisemetics friggin nuts. I would post it to end the argument, but I don't want to take up that much bandwith for something everyone has already seen.

But about that Hamilton guy...I wouldn't recommend taking the moniker unless you really are an old school Federalist. These were the guys who thought that because they owned big chunks of the land, they were the only ones smart enough to run it. Or, like Hamilton, the only one smart enough to run the bank.
Nothing a .50 cal dueling pistol couldn't handle.

Besides, Burr was the "Washington of the West" he could have run for Senate from Tennessee or W.V. But those dang "designs for a Western Empire" kept gettin' in the way. If that fat bastard Wilkenson had gotten off his ass, we would have 80 something states instead of the our paltry 50, and our southern border would be with Panama. But as we all know, Burr was just doin' his job, which was to smoke out traitors. Shooting Wilkenson would have had no effect, kinda like shooting Jabba the Hut.

But if you really want to Hamilton to my Burr, fine. Just let me bring the pistols this time, Hamilton's were set to a hair trigger. Fuggin' Clinton of the 1790's......
It may be one of the funniest movies ever made, and it drives antisemetics friggin nuts. I would post it to end the argument, but I don't want to take up that much bandwith for something everyone has already seen.

But about that Hamilton guy...I wouldn't recommend taking the moniker unless you really are an old school Federalist. These were the guys who thought that because they owned big chunks of the land, they were the only ones smart enough to run it. Or, like Hamilton, the only one smart enough to run the bank.
Nothing a .50 cal dueling pistol couldn't handle.

Besides, Burr was the "Washington of the West" he could have run for Senate from Tennessee or W.V. But those dang "designs for a Western Empire" kept gettin' in the way. If that fat bastard Wilkenson had gotten off his ass, we would have 80 something states instead of the our paltry 50, and our southern border would be with Panama. But as we all know, Burr was just doin' his job, which was to smoke out traitors. Shooting Wilkenson would have had no effect, kinda like shooting Jabba the Hut.

But if you really want to Hamilton to my Burr, fine. Just let me bring the pistols this time, Hamilton's were set to a hair trigger. Fuggin' Clinton of the 1790's......

I don't mind Clinton, but this isn't the place for political debates. I just love the story about those two- their entire story is a case of *****slapping one another with all sorts of things. I can see them starting at gloves and getting all the way to dropping pianos on one another.
Well, actually, it was a double entendre as the Governor of New York was named Clinton as well. But it's a sad story really, they started out as friends.

Just trying to get the stench of Nazi out of here. Please start a normal thread, by all means.
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 8
When Jesus died, the Temple Veil was torn, and God moved out of that place never again to dwell in a Temple made with hands (Acts 17:24). God was through with that Temple and its religious system and worship forever, and the Temple and Jerusalem was left “desolate” (destroyed by the Romans) in 70 A.D. just as Jesus prophesied it would in Luke 13:35. As long as the Temple stood, it signified the continuation of the Old Covenant. Hebrews 9:8-9 indicates that the way to the sanctuary was not yet open “as long as the outer tent” still stood, being symbolic of “the present age.” The “present age” refers to the age that was passing away even as the New Covenant was being established (Hebrews 8:13).

Are we still denying Jesus is the son of GOD, and now the fact that he sit's at the right hand of our father?

anti-semetic, anti christian, i wish one of you would explain the difference, why is one form of religion allowed to be chastised on thi forum, yet the other is protected from scrutiny at all cost?

It is obvious to all that visit, that hypocrites still hide behind a veil.
When Jesus died, the Temple Veil was torn, and God moved out of that place never again to dwell in a Temple made with hands (Acts 17:24). God was through with that Temple and its religious system and worship forever, and the Temple and Jerusalem was left “desolate” (destroyed by the Romans) in 70 A.D. just as Jesus prophesied it would in Luke 13:35. As long as the Temple stood, it signified the continuation of the Old Covenant. Hebrews 9:8-9 indicates that the way to the sanctuary was not yet open “as long as the outer tent” still stood, being symbolic of “the present age.” The “present age” refers to the age that was passing away even as the New Covenant was being established (Hebrews 8:13).

I'm curious why you believe that the quote above is true. Just because it's in the Bible?
Crux, no one forces you to come here. If you don't like our policies, feel free to never come back.

We won't miss you.
Anti-semitism is alive and well and thriving throughout the world.

Here is a quote from writer Ray Gano in an article at the following site This list summarizes the way bigots (and anti-semites) do their dastardly deeds.

"The five steps or stages leading to the eventual persecution of a group(s):

1. Identifying and stereotyping the group;
2. Marginalizing the group-pushing it out of the mainstream to the margins of society;
3. Vilification, slandering, and trashing of the group;
4. Passing discriminatory legal restrictions and eventually criminalizing the activities of the group;
5. Outright persecution of the group. "

Number 1 and number 3 above have already been done to the Jews.
Number 2 is now in process.
Numbers 4 and 5 are what eventually happened in Nazi Germany during the 1930's and 1940's.

One of my favorite writings explains this process:

"In Germany, the Nazis first came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me."

THis was written by Rev. Martin Neimoeller, German Lutheran Pastor. Rev. Neimoeller was arrested by the Gestapo for opposing Hitler and was sent to Dachau in 1938. He was freed by Allied forces in 1945.
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