Kucinich (D-OH): Everyone including bin Laden should get "same basic rights"


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Yes, folks, there really ARE people nutty enough to take the leftists' pro-terrorist agenda to its logical conclusion, without noticing anything wrong. And they aren't only in anonymous chat rooms where they can hide behind fake names. Some of these people are elected to the highest offices in the land, with the power to make laws binding on the rest of us.

Guess which party supports them, inevitably.



Rep. Kucinich Says Everyone, Including Osama Bin Laden, Should Get the Same 'Basic Rights'

Monday, November 23, 2009
By Nick Ballasy

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) (CNSNews.com) - When asked whether al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden should have the right to remain silent and be given a lawyer, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) told CNSNews.com that everyone who is accused of a crime should have “the basic rights."

On Capitol Hill on Nov. 19, CNSNews.com asked Kucinich, “If and when the U.S. captures Osama Bin Laden, should he have the right to remain silent and be given a lawyer--told he can get a lawyer?”

Kucinich said: “I think that America does best when the values that we want other nations to share that we profess and stand by, and I think that every one who is accused of a crime should have the basic rights that are afforded. I mean, that’s what America’s about.”
yes all people should have the right to a fair trial...accept bad people, not them....

You know when we made the constitution, and the Bill of Rights...it was becuse we felt those are rights all should have, that they are human rights... not just rights of people who happen to be born here....we just don't happen to have the power to enforce them over all other nations.

law and order is so hard for the right to grasp sometimes it seems. I guess its no wounder guys like Scooter Libby don't fear the law,
yes all people should have the right to a fair trial...accept bad people, not them....

You know when we made the constitution, and the Bill of Rights...it was becuse we felt those are rights all should have, that they are human rights... not just rights of people who happen to be born here....we just don't happen to have the power to enforce them over all other nations.

law and order is so hard for the right to grasp sometimes it seems. I guess its no wounder guys like Scooter Libby don't fear the law,

Cool, you now have the ability to channel the Founding Fathers. They told you that they believed that these rights should be had by all people on the planet. Amazing, since the document itself says nothing of the sort.

A matter of fact they didn't even include a large part of the population within our borders. Remember, slaves and women didn't have the rights stated in the original constitution.

I respect that you believe it should be that way, but that wasn't the way it was written. I also think you confuse the right to a fair trial with the rights found in the our civilian judicial system. I believe that they should get a fair trial, but it should be done by military tribunal because of the nature of their crimes, the confidential nature of the evidence, and their status as out of uniform enemy combatants.
Cool, you now have the ability to channel the Founding Fathers. They told you that they believed that these rights should be had by all people on the planet. Amazing, since the document itself says nothing of the sort.

A matter of fact they didn't even include a large part of the population within our borders. Remember, slaves and women didn't have the rights stated in the original constitution.

I respect that you believe it should be that way, but that wasn't the way it was written. I also think you confuse the right to a fair trial with the rights found in the our civilian judicial system. I believe that they should get a fair trial, but it should be done by military tribunal because of the nature of their crimes, the confidential nature of the evidence, and their status as out of uniform enemy combatants.

GEE!, you must understand , radical leftist, fascist, statist , etc, they know -it- all. They need to CONTROL ALL, ie Health Care, abortion , and CORRUPTION, the three main links of those seeking to destroy AMERICA!
ENEMY COMBATANTS are not dangerous to America! Just because they MURDER 3000 Citizens , some were liberals too, is no reason not to allow them to have a stage in NYC to further their cause , Afterall, their cause and Obama's is really not that far apart!
Cool, you now have the ability to channel the Founding Fathers. They told you that they believed that these rights should be had by all people on the planet. Amazing, since the document itself says nothing of the sort.

A matter of fact they didn't even include a large part of the population within our borders. Remember, slaves and women didn't have the rights stated in the original constitution.

I respect that you believe it should be that way, but that wasn't the way it was written. I also think you confuse the right to a fair trial with the rights found in the our civilian judicial system. I believe that they should get a fair trial, but it should be done by military tribunal because of the nature of their crimes, the confidential nature of the evidence, and their status as out of uniform enemy combatants.

Tim M, the Unibomber or anyone the first world trade center bomber...ect did they have military tribunals? no, yet the nature of the crime was the same.
Tim M, the Unibomber or anyone the first world trade center bomber...ect did they have military tribunals? no, yet the nature of the crime was the same.

They were arrested outside the United States. I'm confounded how you and others don't understand the difference. The U.S. Constitution doesn't apply to everyone in the world. They don't pledge allegiance to the flag. They are out of uniform enemy combatants. By the way, the original World Trade Center trials gave our enemies way too much security intelligence.
yes all people should have the right to a fair trial...accept bad people, not them....

You know when we made the constitution, and the Bill of Rights...it was becuse we felt those are rights all should have, that they are human rights... not just rights of people who happen to be born here....we just don't happen to have the power to enforce them over all other nations.

law and order is so hard for the right to grasp sometimes it seems. I guess its no wounder guys like Scooter Libby don't fear the law,

Hit that one on the head!:D

Truth is the Right is scared sh!tless that the full extent of the Bush TORTURE campaign will get out to the world. You made a great point with Scooter Libby... they'll do ANYTHING to cover their tracks.

But see I could give a sh!t about Bush or his TORTURE anymore because I already know what he was all about. Now it's time to give AMERICA the legitimate reason to lethally inject a bunch of murderers. As it should be.
Hit that one on the head!:D

Truth is the Right is scared sh!tless that the full extent of the Bush TORTURE campaign will get out to the world. You made a great point with Scooter Libby... they'll do ANYTHING to cover their tracks.

But see I could give a sh!t about Bush or his TORTURE anymore because I already know what he was all about. Now it's time to give AMERICA the legitimate reason to lethally inject a bunch of murderers. As it should be.

Everything else aside, you do know that this process won't even start for 2 years. Then it will take years to prosecute and appeal. I just wish that justice could be swifter.
Everything else aside, you do know that this process won't even start for 2 years. Then it will take years to prosecute and appeal. I just wish that justice could be swifter.

It's quite possible these guys will plead guilty and wave all appeals. Some have already said that's exactly what they wanted to do.

And I too would like to see this sad story behind us as quickly as possible.

But we stepped in it when we officially became a nation that TORTURES it's prisoners. Now if we have to go the extra step so the world knows that these executions are seriously legitamate... that's what we're going to do.

America is the greater for it!

Welcome to the future...

Cool, you now have the ability to channel the Founding Fathers. They told you that they believed that these rights should be had by all people on the planet. Amazing, since the document itself says nothing of the sort.

A matter of fact they didn't even include a large part of the population within our borders. Remember, slaves and women didn't have the rights stated in the original constitution.

I respect that you believe it should be that way, but that wasn't the way it was written. I also think you confuse the right to a fair trial with the rights found in the our civilian judicial system. I believe that they should get a fair trial, but it should be done by military tribunal because of the nature of their crimes, the confidential nature of the evidence, and their status as out of uniform enemy combatants.

the amount of things they felt, and thought that the did not put in there, is pretty large...

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