Kamala tells Palestinian protestors how she really feels.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
She said if you want Trump to win then just keep protesting against genocide. Ok well fuck you bitch. We’ll let Trump win then. How do you like that? People like you will be the first assholes he comes after if this becomes a dictatorship. We’ll watch the world burn you stupid whore before we stand by in ignorance as you let Israel murder innocent children and start a war with Iran and let our god damn soldiers die for it. Fuck you cunt. Hide behind your dumbass supporters trying to drown out the truth with chants of “Kamala.” We don’t give a fuck if you want to dig your own political grave bitch. You definitely lost my vote as of now.

She said if you want Trump to win then just keep protesting against genocide. Ok well fuck you bitch. We’ll let Trump win then. How do you like that? People like you will be the first assholes he comes after if this becomes a dictatorship. We’ll watch the world burn you stupid whore before we stand by in ignorance as you let Israel murder innocent children and start a war with Iran and let our god damn soldiers die for it. Fuck you cunt. Hide behind your dumbass supporters trying to drown out the truth with chants of “Kamala.” We don’t give a fuck if you want to dig your own political grave bitch. You definitely lost my vote as of now.

Here is exactly what she said and you're a liar.

You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking,” Harris said.

You need some anger management son. You're becoming deranged at her perceived victory.
You're vitriolic hate filled swearing etc will not change anything. You're becoming mentally unstable.
Trump will do nothing to resolve the conflict in Palisrael. A ceasefire is what is needed, and Trump has no interest in that, nor is he even minimally competent at diplomacy or even hiring a secretary of state capable of diplomacy.
Here is exactly what she said and you're a liar.

You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking,” Harris said.

You need some anger management son. You're becoming deranged at her perceived victory.
You're vitriolic hate filled swearing etc will not change anything. You're becoming mentally unstable.
It’s the same thing. Just like when Joe Biden says he’s “listening” to protestors, which is a lie. This is her pathetic ass baby step of trying to be more aggressive and shut the protestors down. Also she’s implying that she’s prepared to lose before she gives them the ceasefire they want.
Again, you think that Biden and Harris are Netanyahu's puppeteers, which is clearly not the case.

The US does not control Netanyahu. There seem to have been times when Netanyahu appeared to control Congress, though.
Again, you think that Biden and Harris are Netanyahu's puppeteers, which is clearly not the case.

The US does not control Netanyahu. There seem to have been times when Netanyahu appeared to control Congress, though.
She could’ve said to the protestors “I’m with you and there will be a ceasefire.” But instead she chose to be a coward and berate them. They do have power over him. For the last time stop lying out your ass. I could show you clip after clip of most professionals who’ve studied foreign affairs affirming that fact. You’re an idiot if you really believe that. It’s about the fear of the Israeli lobby in this country, which you’ve eventually confessed to at times. So just say the real reason from now on that you’re afraid of standing up to foreign agents controlling our elections and stop with this US is so powerless bull crap.
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yeah, I confess, I am actually the one that 'foreign agents' listen to for advice.

You are a foggy thinking imbecile.
It’s called being an activist, if you actually want to try and make change for the better in the world. The more people protest and hit the streets, then the more an issue has a chance at being resolved or at least have attention brought to it. When our people have to start dying in a war with Iran that Israel dragged us into, then I imagine the movement will only grow. I imagine both sides of right and left leaning average Americans don’t want the people they love in the service dying for Zionism. Kamala is not making that grim reality less likely when she puts down protestors like this. She’s proving she’s part of the problem and will proudly continue to be. She’s a shit politician for that and doesn’t have my support.
I feel like Kamala is shooting herself in both feet here. She already angered conservatives who were thinking about voting Democrat with Tim’s selection as VP (which I liked because I’m not a conservative) but clearly that was a have your cake and eat it nomination designed to put progressives under the illusion that she’ll be different than Biden. What she said was what Biden was absolutely afraid to say and for good reason. He would just lie and try to display these fake sympathies when confronted about the genocide. She just told progressives to their face that she’s going to be the same and to suck it up basically in that moment. Progressives are the smartest voter base. They won’t fall for any of this *********.
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Progressives will let her lose just like they did with Hillary, and this time I’m glad to say I’ll be there with them. I actually voted for Hillary when she ran because I was younger then and naive about how equally bad establishment (meaning non progressive and controlled by donors) democrats were to republicans.
It’s the same thing. Just like when Joe Biden says he’s “listening” to protestors, which is a lie. This is her pathetic ass baby step of trying to be more aggressive and shut the protestors down. Also she’s implying that she’s prepared to lose before she gives them the ceasefire they want.
You were caught lying.
Next time dont lie because I'll ping you every time.
You were caught lying.
Next time dont lie because I'll ping you every time.
Not at all. I called her out mostly for what she was implying with everything she said. She supports Israel even if she loses the election over it. She wants to treat progressives voters like their idiots who should simply fall in line and not earn their respect. Fuck her.
Not at all. I called her out mostly for what she was implying with everything she said. She supports Israel even if she loses the election over it.

She will be supporting Israel and will win the election because of it. American Christians do not support Muslim terrorists.
She wants to treat progressives voters like their idiots who should simply fall in line and not earn their respect. Fuck her.
If she could witness the bullshyt you write she would hesitate to treat you like an idiot.
She doesn't have to earn respect from nutters like you. You're a nothing.
She will be supporting Israel and will win the election because of it. American Christians do not support Muslim terrorists.

If she could witness the bullshyt you write she would hesitate to treat you like an idiot.
She doesn't have to earn respect from nutters like you. You're a nothing.
At least Trump understands the concept of doing what his voters want him to. Usually candidates like that win. If you ignore most of your voters pleas to stop a genocide, the crime of all crimes, then that only makes you a weaker candidate. Israel is a republican cause ultimately. They want republicans to win. Democrats have nothing to gain from them.