Jesus and his sacrifice are Satan’s test of man’s morality.

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Jesus and his sacrifice are Satan’s test of man’s morality.

Justice is when the guilty is punished. Injustice is when the innocent is punished.

Jesus, if you accept him as your savior, is you punishing the innocent instead of the guilty.

Most, perhaps all Christians believe the dogma that says that it is good to accept Jesus’s sacrifice.

That is exactly like saying that it is good to somehow gain from punishing an innocent man.

If you believe the Christian dogma of substitutionary atonement, then you pass Satan’s test and are ready for hell.

Are you ready?


I definitely don't like to see people suffer unfairly. For instance, on the movie Das Boot, in one scene men are on fire screaming for help, but the U-boat could not take prisoners. The U-boat captain commented it had been six hours and the thier own people should have saved them.

Perhaps, the Christ suffering was to put into people's minds the same kind of imagery as that movie. In other words, he was an innocent sheep lead to slaughter.
I definitely don't like to see people suffer unfairly. For instance, on the movie Das Boot, in one scene men are on fire screaming for help, but the U-boat could not take prisoners. The U-boat captain commented it had been six hours and the thier own people should have saved them.

Perhaps, the Christ suffering was to put into people's minds the same kind of imagery as that movie. In other words, he was an innocent sheep lead to slaughter.

I see it more as a way for the church to create false guilt so as to have people part with more of their cash faster.

The church is a fraud that lies to it's sheeple on a constant basis.

If Jesus was God, suffering was a treat. Living an infinite life must be boring and any pain would be a welcome change from boredom.

If Jesus was God, suffering was a treat. Living an infinite life must be boring and any pain would be a welcome change from boredom.

We don't know that infinite life is boring. Your simply trying to be funny and sarcastic. What evidence can you give really shows that infinite life would be boring?
We don't know that infinite life is boring. Your simply trying to be funny and sarcastic. What evidence can you give really shows that infinite life would be boring?

I offer two things. One real and one assumed.

Firstly, if there was a real Yahweh, he would have stayed alone for eons of time before creating and we create what we imagine to ease our boredom.

Secondly, have you ever been around really old people?

I have and have heard more than one say that they hate waking up in the morning because they can only hope to suffer another boring day of same old same old.

What makes you think an infinite life would be anything but boring?

I offer two things. One real and one assumed.

Firstly, if there was a real Yahweh, he would have stayed alone for eons of time before creating and we create what we imagine to ease our boredom.

Secondly, have you ever been around really old people?

I have and have heard more than one say that they hate waking up in the morning because they can only hope to suffer another boring day of same old same old.

What makes you think an infinite life would be anything but boring?


Boredom is easily curable. You can study the vector Calculus at a deep level or prove math theorems. How about coding computer programs, including more fun stuff like games? Really, boredom is just for the lazy. When your a student in math there is no concept of boredom, and you cherish boring times between semesters.
Boredom is easily curable. You can study the vector Calculus at a deep level or prove math theorems. How about coding computer programs, including more fun stuff like games? Really, boredom is just for the lazy. When your a student in math there is no concept of boredom, and you cherish boring times between semesters.

There is nothing for an all knowing God to study. Right?
