Is God a just judge?

You have the temerity to presume that mankind is the highest order of intelligence, that you are the highest of the highest because you are the most enlightened, and yet you stoop to idiotic attacks on others?

Where did I say all those lies you spew. Get the quotes or be seen as the liar you are.

Don't you know?

Is it not your worthiness to enter heaven.

I can picture your judgement.

For the jew thats close to right but for the Christian not so much. He is doing what noone else can do (and therefore warned against for us people) which is to know your heart. Christ offers this gift but there is the caveat of accepting him as your lord and savior. Its really no bribe but rather two paths.
For the jew thats close to right but for the Christian not so much. He is doing what noone else can do (and therefore warned against for us people) which is to know your heart. Christ offers this gift but there is the caveat of accepting him as your lord and savior. Its really no bribe but rather two paths.

Correct. You have to embrace human sacrifice and a genocidal son murdering prick of a God to get into your version of heaven.

Moral men will not follow your satanic view.

Who is more likely to ask you to embrace the punishment of the innocent instead of the guilty? A Satan or a God?

Correct. You have to embrace human sacrifice and a genocidal son murdering prick of a God to get into your version of heaven.

Moral men will not follow your satanic view.

Who is more likely to ask you to embrace the punishment of the innocent instead of the guilty? A Satan or a God?

As one who expouses putting spouse and offspring above ones self perhaps you can understand Christ's motivation. As a fathermight sacrifice himself to save his child from drowning (take your pick of any mortal risk) based only on love, so Christ chose to accept this just as we can accept this gift.
As one who expouses putting spouse and offspring above ones self perhaps you can understand Christ's motivation. As a fathermight sacrifice himself to save his child from drowning (take your pick of any mortal risk) based only on love, so Christ chose to accept this just as we can accept this gift.

So you think a loving God would condemn us all just to turn around and die, sort of die that is, for us.

Rather stupid that my friend. But then, your whole theology is screwed.

I decide things based on facts, not the lies of a church.

Why do you base your decisions on lies?

If you feel that this subject represents lies based on no facts (no way to know factually one way or the other as you first have to give up the ghost) your question is moot. For all of us it is simply a matter of faith as to how we see it.
If you feel that this subject represents lies based on no facts (no way to know factually one way or the other as you first have to give up the ghost) your question is moot. For all of us it is simply a matter of faith as to how we see it.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”
Martin Luther

It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.
Jonathan Swift

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”
Martin Luther

It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.
Jonathan Swift

Thats nice but does nothing to alter the fact that you as I both rely on faith regarding the topic at hand.