Jeb's announcement scheduled...

I think you are referring to his cronies and his papa's cronies who put millions into Jeb's coffers before he gave an announcement to run. My impression is that his popularity wasn't widespread outside that group.
(I know I will mis spell this) mainly Rinse Prebus GOP grand poohbah primarily. Of course he answers to the money people.
I believe you cannot donate to an undeclared person. Have to have an exploratory set up at the least.
Name recognition ain't what it used to be.
(I know I will mis spell this) mainly Rinse Prebus GOP grand poohbah primarily. Of course he answers to the money people.
I believe you cannot donate to an undeclared person. Have to have an exploratory set up at the least.
Name recognition ain't what it used to be.
You are right. They didn't donate to his campaign, but to a PAC. Bush delayed his formal announcement as a candidate so the money would keep rolling with no need for disclosure. I live in Florida, and that was constantly in the news.
You are right. They didn't donate to his campaign, but to a PAC. Bush delayed his formal announcement as a candidate so the money would keep rolling with no need for disclosure. I live in Florida, and that was constantly in the news.
He knows enough about the family business to do nothing til the money is right. And it's good to be seen as being begged to run.
Until an actual salesman enters the room and consumes all the O2.
Jeb is expected to announce his intention to run for president, tomorrow in Miami -Dade area of Florida. I hope he seriously crashes and burns so that it may serve as a warning against other people who believe being President of the United States is a family business. It takes a lot of gall to run after his dad and his brother already screwed up the country enough

JEB! has a claim
Like no other:
"He ain't heavy,
He's my brother!"

JEB! has the right finance;
DNA's the right genes.
Save America by
Deporting all Slovenes!
Name recognition. Supposed to be the magic dingus. Unfortunately for them both recognizing the name also means people remember the history as well.
Cognitive Dissonance

That's what you'd like to think, but you're conveniently ignoring the facts. Bush I was enormously unpopular even among the Republicans, but that didn't kill Junior's chances, did it? So why is Bush III, Jebbie Firstbro, out of it except for the fact that he is a stumbling dork? It has nothing to do with his family; he could have been "The one Bush who will live up to what we had hoped the other two would be."

Hubert Humphrey was discredited among the New Agers who took over the Democratic Party, but his little boy was put up as a serious candidate to be Governor of Minnesota. We really must legally limit dynasties to one shot. No one whose parent held office should be allowed to. That would include the bossy snob Princess Pelosi. Her Daddy was Mayor of Baltimore; what could she possibly have in common with the 99%?

JEB! has a claim
Like no other:
"He ain't heavy,
He's my brother!"

JEB! has the right finance;
DNA's the right genes.
Save America by
Deporting all Slovenes!
I don't know why, (maybe some traumatic childhood memories I haven't recovered yet), but when I read your cheer, I saw bad make-up, low budget, horror movie, zombie cheerleaders cheering it. That actually makes it a little sexy.
I don't know why, (maybe some traumatic childhood memories I haven't recovered yet), but when I read your cheer, I saw bad make-up, low budget, horror movie, zombie cheerleaders cheering it. That actually makes it a little sexy.
The Gutter Ball From Bowling Green

How about this scintillating GOPer poetry?

Rah, rah, Rand
Ain't he grand?

Handy Randy
Fine and Dandy

Hurray for Paul!
That says it all
We're Off to See the Wizard, or at Least the Willard

Better re-run Rom, boys
Only he can defeat
Demoncrat tomboys

The Man From Bain
Feels our pain

The Romster is no RINO
He's as cuddly as
The Flintstones' Dino
That is some serious skill. You can make the worst of the worst sound like they aren't so bad. :)
That is some serious skill. You can make the worst of the worst sound like they aren't so bad. :)
Whatever Happened to Richie Cunningham?

Walker begged Cruz, "Please, Ted.
Let them pick a Cheesehead."

Serenade to Sarah

There's no disputin'
That Putin
Will quit his lootin'
And start scootin
When Joan of Arctic comes
A hootin' and a tootin'

From her command post
In an igloo,
She'll turn Russian pilots
Into MiG glue!
When someone thinks their name, (Clinton or Bush either one), makes them entitled, more deserving, and at all qualified to be the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, my bitter side hopes its worse than just not winning. I want reality shoved down their throats, (not literally).
What about Kennedy? Just sayin'!