Jack Smith; PACK IT, FAT-MAN!!!!

The thieves, liars, and crooks are destroying our justice system now that they have stolen the power to do so.
You never objected when your republican stacked supreme Court abolished Roe v Wade. They are godbothering republicans.
Hypocrisy drips from your mouth.
Good judgments are to be applauded while bad judgments are to be condemned.
84% of Americans disagree with their decision. It was purely the godbothering republican stooges passed it for religious reasons.

But it won't stop women having abortions. Religious women have them the same as atheist. Look at you. You're a prime candidate for retrospective abortion.
84% of Americans disagree with their decision. It was purely the godbothering republican stooges passed it for religious reasons.

But it won't stop women having abortions. Religious women have them the same as atheist. Look at you. You're a prime candidate for retrospective abortion.
If 100% of Americans disagreed with God, they would still all be in the stupid erroneous minority.
In your dreams. The God shit support is dwindling every year and your type are the best weapon they have.
“The atheist might have no proof for the supernatural, but they also have no proof against it. If we start at a neutral position of not knowing, we can't move away from it until we have proof or evidence either way.”
― Lewis N. Roe, From A To Theta: Taking The Tricky Subject Of Religion And Explaining Why It Makes Sense In A Way We Can All Understand
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Leftists estranged from God typically despise others they do not like and do them as much evil as they can get away with. Such unjust hatred is inexcusable and will be condemned by God in the judgment. Unjust slander and hate speech is not the kind of speech that should be deemed "free speech" by civilized societies.

“Freedom of speech . It doesn't mean you should falsely accuse others, without proof or facts. It doesn't mean oppressing others, insulting others , tainting and ruining others reputation and life, because you strongly feel they deserve it.”
― De philosopher DJ Kyos
