Jack Smith, Over-reach Personified

Not so dickhead.
He is a fascist and should be executed for it.
Liberals stupidly think Trump is a fascist and want him executed for that. Conservatives know dozens of Democrat Marxists are fascists, but they do not call for their execution. Go figger.
He's guilty and 30% of republicans believe he is. The rest are ignorant godbotherers like you.
Guilt or innocence is not determined by stupid mob opinion or oppressive rule. The fascist mob has jailed hundreds of innocent Americans and they want to execute Trump. Leftists are godless tribal barbarian savages.
Guilt or innocence is not determined by stupid mob opinion or oppressive rule. The fascist mob has jailed hundreds of innocent Americans and they want to execute Trump. Leftists are godless tribal barbarian savages.
That stupid mob includes you. You think the election was stolen and it wasn't.
Liberals stupidly think Trump is a fascist and want him executed for that. Conservatives know dozens of Democrat Marxists are fascists, but they do not call for their execution. Go figger.
That's true but no Democrat ever tried to install fascism like Trump.

Don't give the bullshit it was don't by democrats because if it was, Trump would have been taking instructions from Biden. Do you really think that happened? Grow up you sick turd.
That's true but no Democrat ever tried to install fascism like Trump.

Don't give the bullshit it was don't by democrats because if it was, Trump would have been taking instructions from Biden. Do you really think that happened? Grow up you sick turd.
Leftist elitist fascists would not know real fascism if their own fascism killed them.
That's irrelevant.
The fact is you voted for a fascist and probably will do again yet you think it's democrats who wouldn't know a fascist?
You're brain dead.
No, you lie when you falsely accuse Trump of being a fascist like so many modern commie Democrats are.
Jack Thompson has a very colorful record in & out of court proceedings. He's not the kind of person that you would take seriously as an honest, forthright kind of guy. He's been in law for a long time, both sides of it, kind of like you would think Hunter would comport himself. He's like Hunter, but without the high moral standards. If Hunter was a loudmouth and quit shaving we couldn't tell them apart.
Jack got his lump of coal, but now I'm not so sure he didn't know what ruling he would get from the court, wanted just that, and needed it to shift gears to a more productive agenda; Eg: he has a different tact that Trump is not prepared for and needed an excuse to change horses in mid-stream. Maybe it's a brand-new legal charge that can be brought to trial in June or July with a friendly judge and lots of discovery motions to drag out the issue, keep it in the headlines, and further muddy the waters. Remember, Dems don't care about right & wrong, truth & justice, legal & illegal, just winning by any means necessary. When you have the referee in your pocket, keep the ball in the air and hope for a foul call against the other team.

Expect the unexpected.
You just described the Biden family and the terriost in Gaza
No, he did not. Democrats stole the 2020 election and then jailed those who objected as part of an elaborate and wicked coverup.
Youre wrong again and it's all on tape. You're the only nutter who thinks that. Even those who went jail said they were obeying Trump.

It doesn't matter what believe, you're entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your facts when you are clearly wrong.

There must come a time in your life when you realise you're wrong. The caravan has moved on and Trump is the legitimate loser. Nothing ever change that and least of all you.
You'll believe otherwise forever just like you believe there's a god. You seem prone to believing bullshyt without evidence. Is there a genetic fault in republican godbotherers? Is it a contagious thing from that stinking Bible? Did the Bible cause you to lose all your fundamental faculties like some robotic fool? Grow up you silly soak.
Youre wrong again and it's all on tape. You're the only nutter who thinks that. Even those who went jail said they were obeying Trump.
Very few of those who were jailed said they were protesting the Democrat theft of the election because Trump told them the election was stolen or told them to protest. Millions of Americans saw the evidence of fraud in spite of anything Trumps said, not because of anything Trump said.
It doesn't matter what believe, you're entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your facts when you are clearly wrong.
If Democrats could deny the evidence of voting fraud, then they would no doubt have already done so.
There must come a time in your life when you realise you're wrong. The caravan has moved on and Trump is the legitimate loser. Nothing ever change that and least of all you.
I will believe the evidence of fraud erroneously suggests fraud when Democrats provide facts and logic to refute the evidence against them.
You'll believe otherwise forever just like you believe there's a god. You seem prone to believing bullshyt without evidence. Is there a genetic fault in republican godbotherers? Is it a contagious thing from that stinking Bible? Did the Bible cause you to lose all your fundamental faculties like some robotic fool? Grow up you silly soak.
Perhaps your problem with God explains your delusion about the massive Democrat 2020 voting fraud.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
King James Version

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.​

Youre wrong again and it's all on tape. You're the only nutter who thinks that. Even those who went jail said they were obeying Trump.
Of course Democrats have altered and cherry-picked evidence to fabricate support their lying narratives. Look at Schiff's despicable misrepresentation of Trump's phone call he posted before he was outed by Trump's declassification and posting of the call himself. Schiff had to eat crow or, as some have said, eat his own Shitff.
It doesn't matter what believe, you're entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your facts when you are clearly wrong.
Facts will remain true regardless of what the wicked do to alter, edit, and misrepresent them. Democrats stole the 2020 election and they cannot prove the evidence of their fraud is invalid.
There must come a time in your life when you realise you're wrong. The caravan has moved on and Trump is the legitimate loser. Nothing ever change that and least of all you.
Trump lost by fraud but that does not mean the facts of fraud must somehow now be promoted into blind acceptance as irrefutable truth.
You'll believe otherwise forever just like you believe there's a god. You seem prone to believing bullshyt without evidence. Is there a genetic fault in republican godbotherers? Is it a contagious thing from that stinking Bible? Did the Bible cause you to lose all your fundamental faculties like some robotic fool? Grow up you silly soak.