It's Time Bibi Nuttinyayhoo "Retires" To THE COURTROOM!!!!

Why would it be necessary to ride a horse to see an omnipresent deity? The whole midnight ride tale is just silly. There are no living witnesses. He rode his horse to the furthest mosque Al Aqsa, which many interpret to mean Jerusalem.
You ask a reasonable question. There seems to be no value in the fictional Muslim narrative claiming Muhammad rode his half-ass beast named Barack to heaven to meet with Jesus to try to get Jesus to plead for Him before God.
More than 800 Marxist global elitist enemies of Israel and God have conspired to interfere with Israel's politics.
Enemies of god. Not those heathen bastards again. Didn't you and god address that last time?
You'll have pick up your game (and your wheelchair) and hunt them down. The only punishment can be burnt at the stake.
Just like the Christians did to witches etc.
Bring back the fire. That's what I say.
Enemies of god. Not those heathen bastards again. Didn't you and god address that last time?
You'll have pick up your game (and your wheelchair) and hunt them down. The only punishment can be burnt at the stake.
Just like the Christians did to witches etc.
Bring back the fire. That's what I say.
Christians like Joe Biden and the hypocrites on the wrong side of God murdered Christians like William Tyndale hundreds of years ago for doing God's will and hypocritical pretend Christians hate and persecute God-fearing Christians today as well.
You ask a reasonable question. There seems to be no value in the fictional Muslim narrative claiming Muhammad rode his half-ass beast named Barack to heaven to meet with Jesus to try to get Jesus to plead for Him before God.
Religion is full of fictional nonsense. Like the talking snake, and Joshua getting God to keep the Sun from setting for an extra day so he could genocide some tribe of rival people.

How about claiming that Jesus had to be paternally related to David to be the Messiah, but then, his father was God, not any member of David's ancestry? And of course, Jesus did not resemble the description of what the Messiah was prophesied to be; a warrior king than would defeat and drive out the Romans and Make Israel Great Again.

And then there is the silly Holy Trinity.

are loaded with fictional hogwash.
Christians like Joe Biden and the hypocrites on the wrong side of God murdered Christians like William Tyndale hundreds of years ago for doing God's will and hypocritical pretend Christians hate and persecute God-fearing Christians today as well.
It IS those heathens. I'm shocked. Let's get a bill before Congress to stop all this.
It IS those heathens. I'm shocked. Let's get a bill before Congress to stop all this.
William Tyndale was born in 1490 or so and translated and published an English translation of the New Testament. He was strangled and burned at the stake near Brussels in 1536. I deem it highly unlikely that Joe Biden had anything to do with his death.
William Tyndale was born in 1490 or so and translated and published an English translation of the New Testament. He was strangled and burned at the stake near Brussels in 1536. I deem it highly unlikely that Joe Biden had anything to do with his death.
Surely that's just a minor detail for mark.
He has a great memory and was there. ,,😂😂😂