Israel losing Propaganda War

You claim you are smart to recognize miracles in the Bible are supposedly lies, therefore proving to you that it is stupid to believe God created the universe instead of some accidental cause without intelligence, without a plan, without materials to start with, and without existence.

theists attempting to downplay science with vague handwaving make themselves look stupid. lol
Does science tell us who or what caused the universe to originate from nothing?
nope, and it doesn't even say it originates from nothing.
you clearly are a science ***** desperately trying to make fun of something you are clueless about. lol
nope, and it doesn't even say it originates from nothing.
you clearly are a science ***** desperately trying to make fun of something you are clueless about. lol
Does science say the universe originated from something? If so, what does science say it originated from?
You claim you are smart to recognize miracles in the Bible are supposedly lies, therefore proving to you that it is stupid to believe God created the universe instead of some accidental cause without intelligence, without a plan, without materials to start with, and without existence.
You're dead right it's stupid to believe what you do.
You people are brain washed and deluded. No evidence of anything you believe. Nothing. You're all insane.
I accept the "scientific theory" that God created the universe, that science supports but cannot refute.

its not a scientific theory. lol.
science doesn't support that god created the universe. lol
you are a total and complete science *****.
But it didn't come from nothing. That's how bloody ignorant you are.
You're so brainwashed and delusional you've lost the natural curiosity instinct to get the truth.
You really are a waste of oxygen..
So, you claim the universe came from something, not nothing. What was that something and from where did it come? And how did you find out these things?
its not a scientific theory. lol.
science doesn't support that god created the universe. lol
you are a total and complete science *****.
You call speculative theories science, but you refuse to allow any scientific possibility that God created the universe? How can science refuse to allow theories of God's involvement in creation or is it just Humanist religion science you are talking about? Trum science has no bias against God, but Humanism devotees have no tolerance for God.