An agreement between two consenting adults constitutes a contract that is ALREADY legally binding.
Yes, but that legally binding contract is denied to some consenting adults for no reason other than religious dogma. And that should be changed so that government is not enforcing the church's rules--that would be state religion.
One cannot presume a gay union as a marriage because of the numerous reasons already given.
You've given a lot of reasons, the problem is that none of them are valid. They are all based on your Num logic, your Num fears, and some really creative reading of the UDHR.
Do you think that your simple statement: "nonsense" covers the subject adequately? As Coyote pointed out to you already, people like you shouted "Nonsense!" when women wanted to vote, when women wanted to own property, when black people wanted to be treated like human beings... It's bigotry that makes people shout "Nonsense!" about giving civil rights to others.
There are many forms of love -- adoration, agape, philia, eros, philostorgos, etc. They are different manifestations of a single human emotion -- all of which operate within their own unique purpose.
There are many kinds of love, or at least many definitions, for you to claim that your definitions or your experession of them is in some way superior and thus deserving of special rights is somewhat egotistical, don't you think? It's traditional to feel that way in many religious and ethnocentric groups, but Jesus certainly didn't teach that.
If and when you have straightened out your emotional baggage, perhaps you can proceed to appreciate their differences.
Anothere cheap-shot personal attack--ho hum.
Human knowledge has its basis from the philosophical tradition -- and is roughly subdivided into the fields of metaphysics, mathematics, theology, politics, ethics and aesthetics.
Western culture is inexorably intertwined with the judeo-christian tradition in the same way that the above fields of inquiry are related to one another.
I cannot help it if you employ prejudice to human knowledge on the basis of its nature or field of inquiry. Argue for your own limitations, sure enough, they are yours.
Well, that's a pretty high-falutin group of sentences, it reads like you looked them up and scribbled them down without internalizing them first. Your great comment (in bold) is totally false, "inexorably"? Give me a break, as the Christian religion continues to fracture into more and more pieces (more than 3500 now) it becomes harder and harder to even define "Judeo-Christian", is Santeria "Judeo-Christian"? How about Mormonism? As we assimilate more and more different cultures into our own we will gradually become something else, it's inevitable--look at all the sects that have disappeared or been absorbed down through the centuries. Even the Catholic church has little left of it's original form. You're afraid of the future, and I'm sorry for you because the future is going to arrive no matter how hard you try to prevent it.