well, i didn't call anyone any names, and the suggestion, quoted in the op from the senator, to wit:
he told her that her neighbors should be the ones helping. That brought a reaction from the crowd, a round of applause.
does make it appear that the crowd liked the idea of the neighbors helping in that situation.
Neighbors doing brain surgery may be a slight exaggeration (humor is based on exaggeration, you know) but it isn't too far from what was being applauded, now is it?
Oh, yes, humor also depends on being grounded, at least partly, in reality.
What, exactly, did you visualize the neighbors doing to help this couple?
Having a car wash?
This kind of crap really chaps me sometimes...
Okay, Dr. Coburn's actual answer taken word-for-word from the video:
"Well, I think... first of all, yeah, we'll help. Uh... the first thing we'll do is see what we can do individually to help you... uh... through our office... uh.. but the other thing that's missing in this debate is us as neighbors helping people that need our help. You know, we... we tend to... the idea that the government is the solution to our problems is an inaccurate... a very inaccurate statement. The government... "
They cut off whatever else he said.
I'll make a short comment about the slight hemming and hawing exhibited: I've frankly come to have severe distrust for politicians whose extemporaneous speaking skills are too good. TOO slick oft occurs for a reason.
So, where, exactly, in there did he say that "her neighbors should be the ones helping"? I'll let the rednecks-doing-"brain surgery"-quip pass for the moment but my interpretation is that a lot of what he was talking about with helping was the home stuff or even with the more basic care of the fellow at this point.
Dr. Coburn IS capable of looking into the case and making some kind of medical determination of what the prognosis actually is, what's medically possible, or not...
And I have a good measure of faith in him that he'll give it a worthy shot, so let's stand back and give him his chance, shall we, BEFORE WE CRUCIFY HIM FOR NOT BEING A BLOOD-SUCKING LAWYER LIKE THE BULK OF THE REST OF THEM IN WASHINGTON!
Back to the patient. Brain trauma. Hmm... that can cover a lot, so what the bloody h*ll are your assumptions, anyhow? Are you people dimwitted enough to assume that "if only he had DECENT health insurance" that he could be... FIXED? CURED? Does ANYONE have ANY facts about this particular case? YET?!?
Or are you sorry, rotten, snivelling, miserable pieces of crap going to twist this to push your agenda, the bulk of the details of which YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A FRICKING CLUE ABOUT--of how the actual, codified legislation that will come of it will be reduced to practice and what the ultimate impact of that will be? No. You don't.
I'm sorry for getting upset, but I'm not sorry for why I did.
A lurking intimation in this little debate has been an accusation of stupidity of Oklahomans and probably the wider region of "rednecks". If we're so d@mn bad, then why haven't we been as badly impacted with the current financial crisis as so many of the hardcore blue states? Yes, we've got our problems here, but nowhere near the magnitude of a lot of you.
And, Greco... if you're so disenchanted with Oklahoma, why don't you move your sorry *** out to California or someplace like it where you belong? Goodness knows you'll be a lot happier and SO WILL WE!
I'm probably going to pay for this little rant in spades but... D@MN, IT FELT GOOD!