Is homosexuality a choice or is it genetic?

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Yeah, but try telling that to these sex-obsessed, far-right whack jobs. What else could I call them when it has been proven over and over again that it does no harm? And yet they still spew forth the same, tired old "arguments".
Yes, that's right, it's just another example of my "sad and pitiful habit of saying things" I can't defend. Look, you know, as well as I, that a considerable percentage of "family values" Republicans are in the stall,er, closet.

So it is just one more example of you repeating mindless liberal drivel.

Considerable percentage? Exactly what is a considerable percentage? We know that somewhere between 2 and 3% of the population is homosexual. We also know that the larger percentage of that 1 to 2% are indeed democrat.

Mathematically, it is not possible for a considerable percentage of any group other than homosexuals to be in the closet.

Clearly, your statement is just one more example of indefensible talk that means nothing.
I think there is also the issue of survivor's benefits and pensions that even a good lawyer can't get if you aren't married.

I have never filled out a survivor's benefit form for anything from a work related life insurance policy to my own portfolio in which I couldn't name who got my benefit.

With regard to social security, I wouldn't have a problem with civil unions that allowed one to recieve the other's social security death benefit.
Yeah, but try telling that to these sex-obsessed, far-right whack jobs. What else could I call them when it has been proven over and over again that it does no harm? And yet they still spew forth the same, tired old "arguments".

It has not been proven to do no harm. There is aids, and there are issues regarding the raising of children that are far from proved. The studies that claim to show that the children of homosexuals do as well as the children of heterosexuals have almost universally deviated from standard scientific methodologies.

I have stated that I am fine with civil unions, but marriage is what it is and a society simply can't go about giving special rights to small segments of the population based on no more than their sexual preference.
It has not been proven to do no harm. There is aids, and there are issues regarding the raising of children that are far from proved. The studies that claim to show that the children of homosexuals do as well as the children of heterosexuals have almost universally deviated from standard scientific methodologies.

So you admit it's entirely speculation on your part. You couldn't prove harm in my other thread, so you continue to argue vociferously against something you know very little about.
So you admit it's entirely speculation on your part. You couldn't prove harm in my other thread, so you continue to argue vociferously against something you know very little about.

Laws and regulations are enacted with the intent of some BENEFIT to society. Because there is no harm, is not justification for a change in the laws.
Laws and regulations are enacted with the intent of some BENEFIT to society. Because there is no harm, is not justification for a change in the laws.

How do you explain the striking down of sodomy laws, then?
So you admit it's entirely speculation on your part. You couldn't prove harm in my other thread, so you continue to argue vociferously against something you know very little about.

And you continue to argue vociferously against something that you know very little about.

I know that in order to actually begin to learn the truth, studies that actually follow standardized and accepted protocals must be done, and completed without regard to whose feelings get hurt.

That aside, a society simply can not go about granting special rights to small segments of its population based on nothing more than their sexual preference.
And you continue to argue vociferously against something that you know very little about.

Are you suggesting that you know more about what it means to be gay than I do? Interesting. I wonder if there is a story there.
I never said that and am somewhat dissappointed that you would suggest that I did. You are a moderator and should show at least a bit more maturity than us common riffraff.

No, you didn't state it specifically. You merely implied it when that was the first and strongest argument you used that homosexuality causes harm. Same difference.
How is aids ever an argument against gay marriage specifically? Aids affects everyone, and everyone spreads it, and wether or not gays get married, they are still going to be having sex. Maybe we should ban straight marriage too, just in case people get aids.
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