You and I have a different definition of the "slippery slope".
Nothing inevitably follows any event on a slippery slope. My definition follows this line of reasoning:
If event "A" occurs, then Event "B" may also follow. This does not mean it automatically will but the occurrence of event "A" increases the odds of event "B" occurring.
The point I was making is that once you redefine marriage, you may very well have established a legal precedent to define marriage any way a person desires.
There are perverts now that advocate sex with animals and chilrdren under 10. How long will it take them to realize that the definition of marriage is now wide open for revision. And once you redefine it for one group, how to you deny another group the same right? Once redefinition is on the table, how do you stop it?
This is a slippery slope and it is my opinion that this Pandora's Box should remain closed.