Is doing evil a necessity of life?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Is doing evil a necessity of life?

Did the ancients know this and Is that why we are all named as sinners?

I think nature created the potential for evil in each of us because without that potential we would not have the ability to make a free choice between good and evil or evolve to find the fittest human.

Consider. Evolution has two major components that we must do to survive; compete or cooperate, as required. Cooperation we would see as good because it does not create a victim or loser. Competition would be seen as evil as it creates a victim and loser.

From this view, we must do evil and to survive as that process produces the fittest. To not compete would produce the least fit and we would likely go extinct.

Do you see this conundrum of us having to do evil? If you do, should God punish us for doing what we must do so as not to go extinct?

I do not see God as justified in punishing us and that is why Gnostic Christians like me are Universalists.

I see us all as not requiring salvation. God would not do evil by punishing us for doing what we must do to survive and thrive.
“O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam”.
“in the light of paradise, even the sin of Adam may be regarded as truly necessary and a happy fault.”

If sin and doing evil is good and necessary for Adam, who represents all of mankind, then the church and I are suggesting that it is good that we all do evil.

It seems that nature, or God, if you are into the supernatural, ultimately, created a perfect imperfect world. To appreciate perfection, we must know imperfection. This knowledge frees the mind.

When you look at nature , do you think in terms of Evil or not Evil? Is the wolf Evil when it hunts its prey? Is the Deer Evil when its eats plants? If a 2nd wolf pack attacks the other we see it at Evil? Most would say no, we say that's just nature. Because Evil is a Human construct that has no set value. What is Evil today may be fine in 100 years, what was fine 100 years ago evil today. Its all a matter of perception. And since Life existed far before humans or any idea of "evil" must not be needed for life. Evil is a langue that is specific to a time and culture , so saying that life can't exist it is like saying life can't exist without English.
When you look at nature , do you think in terms of Evil or not Evil? Is the wolf Evil when it hunts its prey? Is the Deer Evil when its eats plants? If a 2nd wolf pack attacks the other we see it at Evil? Most would say no, we say that's just nature. Because Evil is a Human construct that has no set value. What is Evil today may be fine in 100 years, what was fine 100 years ago evil today. Its all a matter of perception. And since Life existed far before humans or any idea of "evil" must not be needed for life. Evil is a langue that is specific to a time and culture , so saying that life can't exist it is like saying life can't exist without English.

From the victims point of view, yes, animals would think it evil to be eaten and not be able to escape.

Do you think being eaten a good OR evil thing as compared to escape and life?

What makes you think lower animals would think otherwise?
