I agree
a very sad day for me when A-B headed for the mountains with their Busch change.
lots of good times fueled by really cold BBB back in the day.
I agree
I will not get into the debate about wine. We have our own wine in Australia which we export to the USA but not to Italy or France.China is a very ancient culture.
They are currently trying to--partly by design--partly by happenstance--to create a new form of government that will accommodate the situation they find themselves in with over 1,300,000,000 people. So is India.
Asia--is changing all over the place. I am not sure there is any driver at the wheel.
People who worry about "global warming" and CO2 ought to move over there and get excited. Fixing pollution here is peanuts--those smokestacks over there dwarf North America many times over.
Europe is around only for croissants and well-built horribly expensive cars for the Landed Gentry.
California makes better wine. Period.
Remember tiananmen square protests 20 years ago? They almost suceeded. But the large poplation china has they can ban together and fight for freedom. Look how the Arabs fought to overthrow their dictators? You must protest and fight and be willing to die for your children. Then China will be like Russia
I think China faces the same problems as the rest of the world, Sometimes their solutions are misunderstood. For example the Cultural Revolution was an attempt to get the upper class to do some manual work, The upper class were used to a life of ease in the past. they did not even carry their own luggage. When we did carry our own bags they thought we were following the Cultural Revolution. We were all equal although the party ranged from University Professors to high school teachers.I think the Chinese fear confusion and 'lack of order'--more than anything.
It held them back--for centuries.
They have not forgotten--wisely.
China has just elected Xi Jingping as its new President. It was not a democratic election. There was only one party. However Xi Jinping is very different from older leaders He was purged in the Culutral Revolution He is said to favor collective leadership and to move away from the ruinous later years of Mao. He thought to end the cult of personality and put China on the path of market - oriented reform. He has been overseas to Australia and has some knowledge of the Western world. Whether he is a reformer only time will tell.
He has been overseas to Australia and has some knowledge of the Western world. Whether he is a reformer only time will tell.
Australia will sell out to China in time. The Chinese are communists and you put them in a positive light. They are not Australia's friend.
Not enough Australians for anyone to worry about.
Much less China.
Remember tiananmen square protests 20 years ago? They almost suceeded. But the large poplation china has they can ban together and fight for freedom. Look how the Arabs fought to overthrow their dictators? You must protest and fight and be willing to die for your children. Then China will be like Russia
Cruella and Johnny Tremain. Australia can not change its geography . We are now the last white country left in Asia. Australian political leaders have emphasize we are part of Asia. The government wants to keep up the American alliance, even having American troops based here. Your Secretary of state Clinton is visiting us. However some rogue ex Primeministers are making speeches saying we should be closer to Asia even if these means by not being so close to the USA.
China is the major economic and political power in this region so is important to us. Indonesia is our closest neighbour and is growing in power.If china wants to control the Pacific will the USA defend us?