Thus the Money System trait of neurotic neanderthalistic dog-eat-dog scarcity-based competition is more active in capitalism than in any other Money System control form.
And that can't be healthy.
Capitalism requires constant thinking, thinking, thinking in order to stay ahead of the "other" guy. Such behavior can exacerbate paranoia and facilitate neuroticism.
There's nothing worse than having to scratch and claw our economic survival within a paradigmic system that we've long since outgrown to keep up the illusion that such is our nature. It's not. Human nature is not doing the other guy in to win one's survival. Human nature includes not only women but modern men ... and once we are removed from the dysfunction-creating Money System, like the Winkies in the "Wizard Of Oz", who were under the fear-based confining, restricting spell of the Wicked Witch of the West until Dorothy liberated them, we will then no longer miserably and paranoically "growl" at our "enemies" exhibiting behavior that is not really our nature at all, but we will then be really free to be our true cooperative "one for all and all for one" progressive and heart-centered selves.
Capitalism is not devoid of justice. People make laws to ensure that there is a just society. In capitalism the greed of each man demands that in order to protect his own property he advocates laws that protect the property of everyone. In fact, in the United States, in general, we have a pretty good set of laws - all as a result of bunches of different groups of people all advocating what they think is best and motivated, to a degree, by their own selfish desires. We will never strip man of his selfish desires so we might as well live under an economic system that turns those desires into a force for good.
Do you hear yourself think when you write? You are suggesting that thinking is bad! Really, if you don't want to think then let others do it. The laws which protect you won't really be that much different if Chip absents himself from the political process.
I can always tell when someone's ideas are a crock when their whole arguement consists of allegories and allusions. Talk of neanderthals and Dorothy just obscure the fact that you are speaking a different language. Common sense is the language of clear thought. If you really think that capitalism is bad then just say why. Then we can prove you wrong. Until then all I can say is that no neanderthal I have ever met disliked capitalism.