So you are telling me that throughout this whole argument that you never tried to make the point that a blastocyst asexually reproduces through the process of biological fission? You are lying.
I provided perfectly credible sources that state exactly that....and sources across the board that say the same thing....what you don't seem to get is that it is common knowledge among people with even a rudimentary knowledge of developmental biology.
And when biological scientists clone a blastocyst they use the word scission not fission.
Sorry guy....the medical textbook said fission....sonoworld said fission....the Royal Microscopical Society said fission...and any number of actual textbooks on the topic of cloning say fission...your denial of the facts does not alter the facts.
The medical field uses fission in its general definition which is just another word for division, splitting, cleavage, breaking, or severance of ANYTHING or ANY GROUP. You have intentionally intertwined the definitions for the sake of your argument.
Deny deny deny deny....deny all you like...the fact remains that for a short while human beings are capable of asexual reproduction via fission...I provide plenty of sources that say precisely that....your failure to grasp or understand doesn't alter the fact. You have lost the point...sorry.
And a medical doctor is not a biologist that is in the mindset to only use the biological definition when referring to the biological science of describing the growth differentiations of the formation of an embryo or embryos.
Sorry guy...logical fallacy. The papers, and textbooks, and even the thesis I referenced were peer reviewed by people who were imminently qualified to determine whether or not the word fission was used in the correct context. Claiming that a person can not know biology simply because he or she isn't a biologist is just stupid...especially when those I referenced have had more than adequate biological education to know whether fission is the proper word. How much more of this humiliation are you going to endure? I get are going to deny because it is what you must do.
A zygote is not a single-celled organism. It is a single cell in the beginning of human biological morphogenesis.
A zygote is an organism...and when it is a single cell, it is a single celled organism..then it proceeds to become a multicellular organism.
You have obviously lost the argument and it was a very bad move for you to describe the twinning of a human blastocyst as binary fission. You lose.
Again...I provided across the board up to and including peer reviewed published papers and textbooks on the topic and they all said that twinning of human blastocysts is the result of lose and you are a liar. I understand why but pity you for your character flaws.
Just for are some more published, peer reviewed papers that state that twins result from fission...Read or not...deny or not...the facts remain.
From the National Institute of Health
Two contradicting theories exist to explain the origins of conjoined twins. The older and most generally accepted theory is fission, in which the fertilized egg splits partially. The second theory is fusion, in which a fertilized egg completely separates, but stem cells (which search for similar cells) find like-stem cells on the other twin and fuse the twins together. However, rather than ‘fission’ or ‘fusion’, the defect leading to conjoined twins may well be a coalescence by overlapping of closely contiguous twin embryonic axis formative fields within a single embryonic disc (Potter, 1952 Willis, 1962; Beckwith, 2003
4 It is likely that future understanding of embryonic induction and organizational centers may radically change how we envision the initial development of this complex anomaly.
From Practical Management of Labor, Nagrath, Singh, page 132 under the heading of uni0vuolar twin
twinning occurs during binary fission of zygote
rom A Dictionary of Genetics, Robert C King, Pamela Mulligan, William Stansfield, page 367
polyembryony - formation of multiple embryos from a zygote from its fission at an early developmental stage.
Here from the Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology, edited by Johno Kindred
, page 683: Do tell me your objection to this text....
monozygotic - arising from the
same zygote and therefore genetically identical. Monozygotic twins develop from a single fertilized ovum through fission occurring shortly after fertilization.
The timing of monozygotic twinning: a criticism of the common model, Cambridge University Press, page 5
The increase of MZ twinning linked to the practice of IVF has provoked a great interest in identifying the etiologic factors, in particular those responsible for the more frequent MC DA placentation. Many potential causes have been suggested for the fission of the ICM in two: a fissure in a hard and rigid pellucida can provoke an atypical hatching, with the result of an split ICM within an trophectoderm (see Note 37), or of two separate complete blastocysts
From The Biological Basis of Heredity glossary of terms

identical twins. Twins that come from the same zygote and are, subsequently, the same genetically in terms of their nuclear DNA. Any differences between monozygotic twins later in life are mostly the result of environmental influences rather than genetic inheritance. Fraternal twins may look similar but are not genetically identical. Monozygotic twins may not share all of the same sequences of mitochondrial DNA. This is due to the fact that the mitochondria in a cell may have somewhat different versions of DNA, and the mitochondria can be dispersed unequally when a zygote fissions. Female monozygotic twins can also differ because of differences between them in X-chromosome inactivation. Subsequently, one female twin can have an X-linked condition such as muscular dystrophy and the other twin can be free of it.
Room Pub Med Canada
Early Prenatal Diagnosis of Thoracopagus Twins by Ultrasound
Mahmoud Alkhateeb,1
Mahmoud Mashaqbeh,1
Sami Magableh,2
Rafiq Hadad,3
Quteiba Nseer,4 and
Abdelkhaleg Alshboul5
Conjoined twins being the most extreme form of monozygotic twinning, occur in about 1% of monozygotic twins. It is proposed that the origin of conjoined twins is at the primitive streak stage of the embryonic plate (15–17 days), and results from an error in blastogenesis due to incomplete fission of a single zygote.
From Biomed Central Cases Journal
Early prenatal diagnosis of conjoined twins at 7 weeks and 6 days’ gestation with two-dimensional Doppler ultrasound: a case report M Zeki Taner1, Mertihan Kurdoglu2*, Cagatay Taskiran1, Zehra Kurdoglu3, Ozdemir Himmetoglu1 and Sevim Balci4 Page 2
The incidence of conjoined twinning is 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 100,000 births in the world [4]. Conjoined twins, being the most extreme form of monozygotic twinning, occur in about 1% of monozygotic twins. It is proposed that the origin of conjoined twins is at the primitive streak stage of the embryonic plate (15-17 days), and results from an error in blastogenesis due to incomplete fission of a single zygote [5].
And I could go on and I expect for you to ever admit that you are wrong? Of course not...but at this point I have provided enough credible sources, peer reviewed books and papers, including a dictionary of molecular biology stating that identical twins are the result of fission that any intellectually honest person would concede the point....You however don't strike me as intellectually strike me as someone trying to defend an indefensible position who is willing to deny any and all evidence that might bring you face to face with the reality of that position.[/quote]